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Search results

  1. C

    Wanted CS wheel and glove box script

    A shot in the dark I know but here I go. Please see the last thread with a pic of the script wanted. Sorry I cant insert pics here. http://californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268&highlight=glove+box+script
  2. C

    Wanted 1968 Console radio pad

    Looking for the radio pad that comes with the console. I prefer black but I could dye it. Not looking for a museum piece$$$ but something acceptable you would be proud to show. Thanks Rick
  3. C

    For Sale Gt/cs

    Nice looking GT/CS, never seen this color before though. 19K https://houston.craigslist.org/cto/5467121551.html
  4. C

    1968 CS/GT Trunk lid Weatherstripping????

    All, Can someone send a pic of their CS/GT trunk lid weather stripping? How it goes/routed on and where to buy one. Any advice also welcomed. I saw an older post from 2012 has anything changed since then (besides prices LOL?) Thanks Rick
  5. C

    1968 Ref: 1968 GT/CS Mustangs

    Fellow GT/CS'ers, Can anyone clarify this, were 1968 GT Mustangs in particular California Specials only J codes or were they also C codes as well?? Thanks Rick
  6. C

    1968 Acceptable hood, trunk, and door gaps.

    All, Can you tell me what are deemed acceptable gaps between the hood, by the cowl area? I have about a 1/2" or so. Seems too much to me??? While I'm asking, how about the trunk and doors. Thanks in advance! Rick CaliStang68