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Search results

  1. 08GTCandyApple

    2007+ how many miles?

    Mine is a daily driver too. 2 years old this month with 26k and I still look forward to driving her every day :)
  2. 08GTCandyApple

    2007+ GT/CS armrest pad

    You can always buy a plain one and take it to an embroidery shop and have them embroider it for you. That's what I did with my headrest wraps.
  3. 08GTCandyApple

    ADMIN - Photos needed of 2007+ GT/CS features

    Don't forget the 18" Polished Bullits are part of the CS package as well. and another shot of the emblem
  4. 08GTCandyApple

    GT/CS Book Status / Update

    I would like to know what you mean when you say that you are still accepting registrations. Being a rather recent member of the forum, I thought I had missed any deadlines for information to be included in your book. If it is not too late, please let me know and I will send information today! :)
  5. 08GTCandyApple

    2009 GT/CS w/ clear roof and white stripe!

    I love the look of the glass roof. Unfortunately, the 09 Order Guide states that the roof will not be available on the GT/CS or the Bullitt. I think a CS in Vapor (new color option for CS in 09) with the black stripe and a glass roof would be a really nice combination.
  6. 08GTCandyApple

    Hi all..........new here.

    Thank you, I absolutely love the color of my car. When the sun is shining on it, you can really see the metallic....it's hard to stop staring at it!
  7. 08GTCandyApple

    Hi all..........new here.

    I was born in NJ, but moved when I was a year old.........I do have a brother that lives there now though. And thanks for the welcome! Can anyone tell me please, how to go about ordering the book? I honestly have been so busy lately that I am not able to spend as much time reading a lot of the...
  8. 08GTCandyApple

    Late Model GT/CS Wish List. What would you like?

    I agree with you all. I bought mine because I already loved the way it looked and don't intend to do any mods that can't be easily changed back to stock. I don't think these cars need much more either. The only things I've done are clear turn signals, sequentials, headrest wraps, shifter and cup...
  9. 08GTCandyApple

    *** New Updated Carlisle Thread 4/23/2008!!

    LOL........no, not my wedding. Believe me, I thought about how I could do both, but I just don't think there's any way I can do it.
  10. csheadrestwrap.jpg


  11. csheadrestwrapcloseup.jpg


  12. 514351334503_0_BG.jpg


  13. 444351334503_0_BG.jpg


  14. medallion.jpg


  15. feb.jpg


  16. feb2.jpg


  17. 2008 GT/CS Candy Apple Red

    2008 GT/CS Candy Apple Red
