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Search results

  1. H

    1968 too many questions

    thank to all that has replyed and all the help sooner or later yall will be sick of all the questions thanks again hillbilly
  2. H

    1968 too many questions

    pictures really dont show it all this car had been hit in the rear pretty hard in the 70s my dad bought this car in the early 80s and it was black. in the mid 80s he had it painted orginal as it is now. it sat in bacement till a month ago when i bought it. now it needs pass side inner fender and...
  3. H

    1968 too many questions

    how do you tell if the numbers match
  4. H

    1968 too many questions

    i dont see one what is a buck tag
  5. H

    1968 too many questions

    how do i do that
  6. H

    1968 too many questions

    yes it is on the pas side of the winshild and is rivetted in place
  7. H

    1968 too many questions

    athens tennessee
  8. H

    1968 too many questions

    new to this forum about 2 years ago my dad pastaway he had a cs/gt that he had 4 about 30 years well i bought it at the estate auction and give way too much for the car 11,000 but it was my dads. one of the biggest questions i have is the vin # is on the passengers side windshild and has any one...