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Search results

  1. T

    For Sale 1968 cs/gt

    Thanks for that update Mike. Hard to see how they could have such a delta if they are both selling the car on consignment. So is the general consensus it's worth the $25k? Or is that even pushing it?
  2. T

    For Sale 1968 cs/gt

    That's what I thought Neil and if that is the car I think it is then that's what it sold for recently. I guess if I loved it I could make them an offer. They did have to pay a buyer premium...:rolleyes:
  3. T

    For Sale 1968 cs/gt

    This is the other one I mentioned. I believe this may have been sold at the Mecum Auction in Newport a few months ago. No picts of the engine but if I remember that car had a Shelby style long air filter. Still a clean car but worth $38k? If it is the Mecum car it went for around $25k I think...
  4. T

    For Sale 1968 cs/gt

    http://www.autotraderclassics.com/classic-car/1968-Ford-Mustang-787254.xhtml?conversationId=260766# Hello all, been lurking here for some time. Found two cars I wondered if anyone knows anything about. I'll post the other in another listing. They both look very similar but big price delta...