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Search results

  1. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale 1968 gt/cs

    Yeah I've been watching this one. It just keeps getting reposted. I thought it was high priced as well.
  2. BroadwayBlue

    . Bob Teets

    Dan, So sorry for you loss. I had the pleasure to meet your Dad at Carlisle a number of years ago. Thoughts and prayers for all.
  3. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Passing of Member

    I can't believe I missed this post back in 2019. :sad: I met up with Tom at Carlisle a few times and spent time with him there talking and also kept in touch over email. I grew concerned that something was wrong when I stopped receiving email replies from him awhile back and him telling me his...
  4. BroadwayBlue

    GT350 Restoration

    Great looking car Marty! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Black CS Project

    Looks great Neil!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. BroadwayBlue

    . Dr. Steve Perkins

    Was sorry to hear the news about Steve. We were friends on Facebook, he fought hard to the end. RIP. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. BroadwayBlue

    1968 I'm back

    Welcome Back Steve! Glad to hear she's doing well. Hoping she continues to heal quickly.
  8. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Gas cap

    I thought only I did that Bret!! :grin: I keep extra in the trunk in case the station doesn't have any.
  9. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Gas cap

    I do the same thing Steve! :thumb:
  10. BroadwayBlue

    . Granite State Nationals in NH this weekend

    Thanks! Darn it! I should’ve recognized you! :grin:
  11. BroadwayBlue

    . Granite State Nationals in NH this weekend

    Here are pictures from the show. There were 4 68 GT/CS in attendance and many late model CS cars. Nice show, great cars and weather for the weekend. Oh and held at the Anheuser Busch Brewery with Clydesdales on sight...
  12. BroadwayBlue

    . Private Messages

    Just received a few in the last few days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. BroadwayBlue

    I don't belong to that club but really want to get to the Hershey show one of these years.

    I don't belong to that club but really want to get to the Hershey show one of these years.
  14. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Mustang times

    Haven't read the article yet but looking forward to it. Great cover shot!
  15. BroadwayBlue

    . Granite State Nationals in NH this weekend

    No problem. I meant to post earlier in the week but wasn’t sure I was definitely heading up until the last minute. It was a great show. I’ll post pictures soon.
  16. BroadwayBlue

    . 2018 50th Anniversary limited edition Window Clinger

    Mean to post this early but Thank You Gary (Limelyt)! The stickers look great and I appreciate the effort to have them made. Will look great on the CS! Rich
  17. BroadwayBlue

    Hi Tom, I'm not sure yet. Definitely something I'm going to consider though. Are you planning...

    Hi Tom, I'm not sure yet. Definitely something I'm going to consider though. Are you planning to attend? I hope all is well. Rich
  18. BroadwayBlue

    1968 My GT/CS in Mustang Monthly

    Congrats. Looks great!
  19. BroadwayBlue

    My new garage

    Wow jealous is right!! Congratulations, enjoy it!
  20. BroadwayBlue

    1968 double sided roofrail tape

    I rarely wash my CS with water either. Duster, Detailer too. Once in awhile if I get caught in the rain while driving, then I'll give it a rinse. If I'm not driving I usually don't. I do have a small leak when I get caught in the rain. It causes 2 small streams of water to come down the...