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Search results

  1. J

    1968 California Special emblems

    They no longer make reproductions of these so they can’t be pricey.
  2. J

    Wanted 1968 HCS project

    I don think it’s the same this one is Brittany Blue nut think it is a T code
  3. J

    Wanted 1968 HCS project

    There is this one on FB https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Z2xQgz7gqwGjUapF/?mibextid=79PoIi
  4. J

    For Sale 1968 - GT/CS Meadowlark Yellow S Code 390 Auto

    Thank you sir, my favorite Cougar parts site use to have a sweet 1968 NOS convenience group fuel sender but I haven’t seen it listed in a bit.
  5. J

    For Sale 1968 - GT/CS Meadowlark Yellow S Code 390 Auto

    I have a Marti but deluxe steering wheel is not listed. Previous own told me he thought it was part of the GT/CS package which now I know it’s not. Just need to get a regular black wheel now as the car is off being restored.
  6. J

    For Sale 1968 - GT/CS Meadowlark Yellow S Code 390 Auto

    maybe a previous owner added
  7. J

    For Sale 1968 - GT/CS Meadowlark Yellow S Code 390 Auto

    Didn’t all California Specials have a deluxe steering wheel (wood rim). Mine does and it has has a color matched center pad?
  8. J

    Wanted Reproduction Marchal lights represented as NOS on ebay!

    I see this a lot with Marchals maybe he just doesn’t know they are repos not that it makes it right. That’s why I only buy my Marchals from you.
  9. J

    Wanted Mustang GT/CS Recognition Guide

    If the one di81977 has doesn’t work out for some reason there is always eBay. Not my listing but it’s an option. https://www.ebay.com/itm/186451606739?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  10. J

    Wanted Taillight panel board

    Try these guys https://www.deadnutson.com/1968-shelby-california-special-trunk-taillight-boards-r-l/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. J

    SOLD Another Recognition Manual

    This one sold for $170.60
  12. J

    SOLD Recognition Guide

    Looks like this one got 285.00 not bad as I have seen some sell for over 500.00 and this one was new in box.
  13. J

    SOLD Another Recognition Manual

    Here is another listing for the Recognition Manual again it’s not my listing https://www.ebay.com/itm/395323579040?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  14. J

    SOLD Recognition Guide

    Not my listing but for those looking for one https://www.ebay.com/itm/305482626166?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  15. J

    Wanted 68 hood lock brackets

    If for some reason they don’t have them let me know I have a few sets and some NOS twist locks if anyone needs them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. J

    Wanted 68 hood lock brackets

    ACSCO still makes them from what I am told https://store.cobranda.com/19gthopinbr.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. J

    For Sale Tail light panel

    Found this on EBay seems like a good price https://www.ebay.com/itm/116115981142?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  18. J

    1968 New Brake Distribution Block?

    Not my listing but is this what your looking for https://www.ebay.com/itm/156020755384?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  19. J

    SOLD Needing a Flip Up Gas Cap

    The NOS one I paid 175.00 from Cobranda years ago. I would do 200.00 plus you pay shipping. The used I would do 100.00 plus you pay for shipping.
  20. J

    SOLD Needing a Flip Up Gas Cap

    Well I have a used one and a NOS one with a small flaw in it I could probably part with. NOS is left side the flaw is bottom left of brushed section