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1966 HCS Must Sell, Please Help!


New member
Apr 26, 2005
My Stepmother owns a 1966 HCS that belonged to my deceased father.

It was restored a few years back by members of the local Mustang Club. They did a good job considering what they had to work with. There are some things that a serious collector might want to improve upon, but I believe the essentials are in place.

The story of the car was once published on this site. Since the restoration, it has been in numerous shows and was featured on the cover of Mustang Monthly.

Unfortunately, she is forced to sell this car, and is hoping to get back as much as she can for it. (The restoration was very expensive).

We would welcome any advice or information that would help us better advertise this car.

What questions should we be prepared to answer? Are there any special features that we should focus on? What is a reasonable asking price range?

Any suggestions are graciously welcomed.

Roxanne Palmrose


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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
In my opinion, you should concentrate on the "rarity" of the HCS. Fewer HCS's were made than California Specials, and I think eventually this will force the price of a finely restored HCS (like this one appears to be) above that of a GT/CS. Get the details of how many were built, in what years, and you will probably have one of the more rare Mustangs out there.
Good Luck, Robert ;)


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2004
Conifer, Colorado
Roxanne,some of the things people will be intersted in are the engine and transmission type, any factory options such as air conditioning, radio, etc, and condition before the restoration, particularly if the car had any rust and how was it addressed. The High Country badging is rare and should be pointed out though some may not be aware of it.

NADA.com claims a 1966 coupe with the 289 V8 should bring the following values. Low condition= $6000, mid condition= $13000 and high condition = $22000.

NADA does not define a HCS in this year as it was a dealer badging option by Colorado dealers.

I feel NADA is a little high for the Denver market but may be OK in California, The area of the country where you are selling the car has an effect on the selling price even with the internet factor. The HCS should add value but so will A/C, 4 speed, etc. All first gen Mustangs are collectable, even 6 cylinders.

Good luck with your car, Mark.