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For Sale 1968 GTCS Gulfstream Aqua C code 4spd Arkansas


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2008
“Thinking of selling my 68’ GT/CS. Originally a 289 4 speed car. Has a Mexican block 302 with a brand new world class t-5 trans now. I’ve had car for 14 years and was working on it hard up until a divorce and it has sat for many years untouched. If interested, give ma a call and I can tell you all about the car. Everything on it is new. Was painted, striped, and new top 13 years ago. New wiring finished and new interior installed. No exhaust on it yet except for manifolds and factory style h pipe. No title, but vin checks clean, will need to get a bonded title. Chris 501-690-9625. I’m about an hour north of Little Rock, AR. I’ll get more pics when after I get it cleaned up again. $22,500 as it sits”


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