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2007 GT/CS Billet Grille


New member
Mar 22, 2007
Chambersburg, PA
Does anyone know a company that produces an upper and lower billet grille for the new California Specials. I have been looking for some time, with no luck!



Well-known member
Feb 9, 2007
NW Washington State
Any billet grille made for the GT will fit the CS upper grille. Shelby makes the only one (that I know of) for the CS lower opening since the CS shares the same lower fascia with the Shelby GT. I have not seen any of Shelby's lower billet grilles, so I can't comment on how that one looks. Look at any picture of the Shelby GT to get an idea of how the upper one looks. One warning on the upper grille...you need to hack up your original grille in order to use it as a "backing plate" for Shelby's billet overlay. Not an optimal design IMO. I know that Shelby is currently working on this and they plan to release a new upper grille with its own mounting brackets. That way it'll swap out with the stock grille. Hope this helps...


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2007
NW Washington State
I did some digging on Shelby's site and if you look in their gallery at the GT-H convertible concept, you can see what the grilles look like. Note the fact that the lower grille only covers the part on the CS that is currently cut out (there is a section on either side of the opening that has the honeycomb pattern, but is solid...not open). In the pictures, they also show some foglights and brake ducting in the areas to the side of the open portion of the CS lower fascia.