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66 Dearborn built HCS

66 6F HCS

66 6F HCS

Sep 4, 2005
[quote author=ColoradoHCS link=board=3;threadid=2118;start=15#msg14402 date=1126625090]
Scott, I may be interested. Do you have any photos or other details. Does Bob agree this is an HCS? Thanks, Mark.
Please read the ENTIRE (really long) post as it explains some things about this car.

I had pics on my now defunct website. I have a new website I'm building since the old one had issues. I will get those pics up ASAP. I'm willing to send pics directly if interested.

Okay, to the MEAT of the issue with this car...

We (Me, Bob, Tony Popish- special paint registrar, Carl- an educated mutual friend, and the president of the local Shelby Club - I can't remember his name :-[) cannot figure out what the deal is with this car. It is an HCS in that it is correct in it's color and badge placement, but it isn't since it did not come from the San Jose plant on the exact date of build as the others. This car was scheduled to be built 1 day before (22G) the public premier of the HCS, July 23rd . It is a factory freak.

Bob does not agree that this is technically an HCS in the fact that it was not built on the exact day in San Jose as part of the 333 shipped on the same train, but he does keep the info since this car IS correct for an HCS due to the correct Timberline Green paint from the factory. The badges were added by the dealership and not at the factory, so that is moot: Although there is a general "rule" as to how and where they were placed (fenders above or adjacent the tribar pony).

Bob has relayed an incident to me where a dealership/salesperson may not have been honest in the use of the badge and it had been placed on the glovebox door of a car that wasn't an HCS, then tried to sell it as an HCS.

This car is Timberline Green from the factory. A color which when used on Mustangs was only used on the HCS; UNLESS it was special ordered in this color by the dealership (this info per Bob and Tony). As best as I can recall from a conversation with Tony, is that this color was used previously in the Mercury line, but with a metallic content to it, making the color even more rare.

The problem then becomes a question of timing. When was the order placed for the special paint? It HAD to come awhile before the public premier due to its scheduled build date, and even longer for the dealership to know what color it should be if they wanted to COPY the HCS. And how would the dealership know which paint to order that far in advance? And why was the car sent from Dearborn instead of San Jose which is where the DSO 52 'stangs, afaik, came from (not just the HCS's)? ???

I wish I had a broadcast sheet. Didn't find one when removing the rear seat or carpeting.

I would ask the original owner about it, but he is dead. I would contact the dealership, but they are since out of business; and Kevin Marti can't help.

The car has both a '68 HCS style decklid and the original. I also have an original '66 AC unit (the whole thing). The car also has had ~98% of the rust repaired. The only remaining rust that I know of is the passenger's toeboard (which I have the patch for) and the minor surface rust on the roof which is easily DA'd. No motor Though one is available at extra cost if interested.

No BONDO! Both fender's and doors have been patched. The right quarter is patched and it has a brand new left quarter along with a brand new taillight panel and new valances.

New dashpad. I also have the buckets and lenses to do a full '68 HCS taillight setup. I also have a good used dash harness as a previous owner decided to use hedge trimmers to remove the original gaugepod from the harness. :-\


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