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. California Special Worldwide Mustang Club


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
I just received a message from the administrator for the F.B. group and he asked me if I currently owned a C.S. and I said that we have one in the family. He proceeded to tell me that the group was only for current owners and that I needed to keep quiet about not currently owning a C.S. personally and that my 2011 GT500 that is on my F.B. home page may upset some of the members of the group. I told him to remove me from the group. Unbelievable that they would be that exclusive.

Online they seem to be a very inclusive group. Very strange! :confused:


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2013
I check this site at least couple of times a day for any new postings... I am not on Facebook so this is my primary news source about CS. I've noticed lately that activity has dropped off a bit on this site and wonder if the FB group has anything to do with it... Anyways, I am staying with this forum.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2017
I check this site at least couple of times a day for any new postings... I am not on Facebook so this is my primary news source about CS. I've noticed lately that activity has dropped off a bit on this site and wonder if the FB group has anything to do with it... Anyways, I am staying with this forum.
I take a look once or twice a week. Mostly to check the classifieds. Not looking to buy. Just curious. Activity has indeed dropped off in the 18 months since I reactivated my account.

Probably the Facebook page has been a contributing cause. I joined the FB group but do not go there often as it is 90% late model GT/CS oriented and I really have no interest in late model cars other than my DD SUV. If I have a question very specific to the '68 GTCS, I post it here. If I have a question that is generic to '68 Mustangs I will post it on VMF (sometimes here as well) as there are so many more eyeballs there. Wil also respond to posts here.
I do wish this forum was more active.