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CALL FOR PHOTOS! -Submit your pics for the 2012 CS Calendar! - Deadline Sept 30, 2011


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
--> Here's the official call for entries for the 2012 CaliforniaSpecial.com Calendar. <--

Please start gathering your best photos and submit them no later than Friday Sept 30, 2010. We've been doing this for a few years now and it's always a big success. I'm looking forward to another great one this year! :grin:

We'll all vote on the photos and the top 12 will be used. They'll be on sale in time to get them for Xmas gifts. If you've been in previous calendars you can submit again, but not the same or similar photo. If you can't decide which photo to use you can send me 2 or 3 shots and I'll give my opinion, but I'll only be able to use one for the final voting. Also, if you're one of those fortunate enough to have more than one Special, please only submit one. (or maybe a group shot?)

To submit your pics email me at cs.comcalendar@gmail.com (has more space than my normal email)

OK, here's the catch... Your photo has to be a minimum size in order to print clearly on a full size calendar. It needs to be 1800x1200 pixels minimum (obviously bigger is better). Basically a 2.0 Megapixel or better digital camera will work (if set at it's highest resolution). Any lower resolution and they just won't print well. Even the largest photos in the Gallery are too small. Sorry! And please don't take a smaller pic and change the resolution to bump it up to 1800x1200. It doesn't work that way unfortunately. The original needs to be at that resolution.

Thanks in advance for all the great photos I expect to get! :)

For those that don't have one hanging on your wall from last year, here's a shot of how it turned out:


The 2010 CS calendar - http://californiaspecial.com/images/2010_CS_preview.jpg
The 2009 CS calendar - http://californiaspecial.com/images/2009_CS_preview.jpg
The 2008 CS calendar - http://californiaspecial.com/images/2008_CS_preview.jpg
The 2007 CS calendar - http://californiaspecial.com/images/2007_CS_preview.jpg


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
There were about 18 photos submitted this year. I'll start the voting thread this week.

As of now I've emailed everyone back to confirm I got your photo. If you sent me a photo, but didn't hear back from me then get in touch ASAP because that means I don't have your pic.

Thanks to everyone who submitted. Another great selection to chose from this year.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2010
Valleyfield, Québec
There were about 18 photos submitted this year. I'll start the voting thread this week.

As of now I've emailed everyone back to confirm I got your photo. If you sent me a photo, but didn't hear back from me then get in touch ASAP because that means I don't have your pic.

Thanks to everyone who submitted. Another great selection to chose from this year.
Hi, has the voting thread opened and I didn't see it? Can't wait to see all the pics :thumb:


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
I got a bit behind. I'll start the voting tomorrow evening, Friday Oct 7th.

But I have posted the photos: http://californiaspecial.com/calendar2012.htm

I do this a day before starting the voting just to be sure that I didn't miss a photo that someone sent. So if you sent me a photo and don't see it on the preview page contact me ASAP.
