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Ford Factory White CS Stripe for 2009 ...


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
I thought the changes were originally planned for 2009 but looks like 2010 instead.

I wasn't the only one that heard that I guess: "Originally we had heard that Ford would be unveiling a slightly changed Mustang for 2009, with big changes coming in 2010-2012. However competition from other manufacturers has changed those plans. Now it looks as if Ford will run an abbreviated 2009 model run with those cars being identical to the current lineup. Then in spring of that year Ford would roll out the 2010 models."

There was also rumors of a hardtop convertible and full glass top too but don't see that mentioned

The Motor Trend article below also stated the GT500 will be extened to 2010.


here you go Happy Surfing!

2009 Mustang

2010 Mustang
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