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1968 Hey from new member


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
Hi everybody

I've visited the board a few times and decided to stop lurking and come aboard.

The 2 most important things you need to know about me as they pertain to mustangs are as follows:
1) I have ALWAYS loved the 67/68 Mustang style
2) My dream would be to one day own a '68 GTCS in Presidential blue with 2 tone blue interior......although I could live with an acapulco blue exterior.

I've been tempted this year to go out and finally buy my dream car but its not as easy as going to a dealership. I have huge TRUST issues when it comes to believing sellers and their claims.
The house is bought, the renos done, the kids' education funds in place and the mortgage virtually a thing of the past.

I saw my dream car advertised in florida last year but they were asking $22500 and I simply couldn't justify it. Kind of regret that one a little bit now. Love the 68 GT in pres blue that is for sale on Schmitt in St. Louis but WAY WAY too much $$. I'm in the $15-20K range

That's it for now. I don't imagine I'll post much because I certainly don't have a lot of knowledge about the GTCS but I will drop in from time to time and read what you all are posting.

If anyone comes across or ever hears about a car that I would be interested in, my email is in my profile....



Well-known member
Jan 12, 2013
No time like the present....

Hi everybody

I've visited the board a few times and decided to stop lurking and come aboard.

The 2 most important things you need to know about me as they pertain to mustangs are as follows:
1) I have ALWAYS loved the 67/68 Mustang style
2) My dream would be to one day own a '68 GTCS in Presidential blue with 2 tone blue interior......although I could live with an acapulco blue exterior.

I've been tempted this year to go out and finally buy my dream car but its not as easy as going to a dealership. I have huge TRUST issues when it comes to believing sellers and their claims.
The house is bought, the renos done, the kids' education funds in place and the mortgage virtually a thing of the past.

I saw my dream car advertised in florida last year but they were asking $22500 and I simply couldn't justify it. Kind of regret that one a little bit now. Love the 68 GT in pres blue that is for sale on Schmitt in St. Louis but WAY WAY too much $$. I'm in the $15-20K range

That's it for now. I don't imagine I'll post much because I certainly don't have a lot of knowledge about the GTCS but I will drop in from time to time and read what you all are posting.

If anyone comes across or ever hears about a car that I would be interested in, my email is in my profile....


Welcome! Hope you find that car. Life is short!!



Well-known member
Jan 12, 2013
Hi everybody

I've visited the board a few times and decided to stop lurking and come aboard.

The 2 most important things you need to know about me as they pertain to mustangs are as follows:
1) I have ALWAYS loved the 67/68 Mustang style
2) My dream would be to one day own a '68 GTCS in Presidential blue with 2 tone blue interior......although I could live with an acapulco blue exterior.

I've been tempted this year to go out and finally buy my dream car but its not as easy as going to a dealership. I have huge TRUST issues when it comes to believing sellers and their claims.
The house is bought, the renos done, the kids' education funds in place and the mortgage virtually a thing of the past.

I saw my dream car advertised in florida last year but they were asking $22500 and I simply couldn't justify it. Kind of regret that one a little bit now. Love the 68 GT in pres blue that is for sale on Schmitt in St. Louis but WAY WAY too much $$. I'm in the $15-20K range

That's it for now. I don't imagine I'll post much because I certainly don't have a lot of knowledge about the GTCS but I will drop in from time to time and read what you all are posting.

If anyone comes across or ever hears about a car that I would be interested in, my email is in my profile....


Check out the car just posted in the classifieds.



Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
Welcome! Great people here. You will love this place.

I started looking for a GT/CS last June and found the right one before the end of August. It's not as difficult as you might think. Found mine on Kijiji BC. The internet is a great place to search for the right one.

Northern Pony

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
Come out to the Alberta Mustang Auto Club, in Calgary. There are several individuals in the club including me, with a tremendous amount of knowledge on these cars. I know of a couple of GT/CS cars in the city that may still be for sale, (they were last fall). One is Acapulco blue.
Meeting on last Thurs of the month at Horton Road Legion.
If you wish, you can send me a private message on this site and we can talk to each other by phone.
Welcome to the site, great people here with lots of knowledge to share.


Jun 25, 2011
Hello Stephen

Just read your blog about Daniel Schmiitt, please do not deal with those liars, and cheats. Read my blog or contact , me in Australia.


My story is on rip off report.com.

Would love to talk to you.

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada

Hi Stephen!
Always nice to see another "Canuck" join this site ...
Hope you find the car you're looking for, and if you ever get out here to Victoria for a visit please be sure that you touch base with either "Stangfan" or myself and we could tease you with a "test flight" in either or both of our Candy Apple Red GT/CS's if you'd like?
Again, welcome to the site,


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
Thanks for the offer. I WILL keep it in mind! No doubt about that. See you around Victoria. Hopefully in MY gtcs!


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
Just read your blog about Daniel Schmiitt, please do not deal with those liars, and cheats. Read my blog or contact , me in Australia.


My story is on rip off report.com.

Would love to talk to you.

Ouch! That's a very unfortunate story. Just read it. Its also why I would have one helluva time trying to buy a mustang gtcs online. No trust!