Richard, I left the brackets a little high, closed the hood and twisted down the locks and paid attention to how much too high they were, unlatched everything and opened the hood, moved the brackets down what I thought was the correct amount and checked it again. Took a couple of attempts to get it where the locks were almost flush with the stainless washers but not tight enough to cause the sheet metal in the hood to deflect. The correct position on the stainless washers was not exactly in the center of the opening in the hood but at most within maybe 3/16 off center on the worst one. When they are centered to the bracket correctly and adjusted to the correct height they go in and latch like a hot knife through a stick of butter but if they are off a little bit one has to fumble a bit to latch them. Just be sure to have the optimum spot picked out and marked to stick the stainless washer before you unveil the sticky surface. In this case a plan of attack will reward you. I took a drive today, running into several friends along the way who wanted to see "under the hood" so had opportunities to open and shut the hood several times and the adhesive material held the locks in place well. Thanks for finding this stuff - you get a gold star as the researcher of the year!