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Iow Jima


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
That was awesome ... those were some brave young men back then, and I'm sure we have some new brave young men and women fighting today ... God bless them ...


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
"Flag of our Fathers" is the book. I highly recommend it. Iwo Jima was a US battle fought by Marines and Navy. My grandfather was on the USS Baltimore at the battle. If I remember correctly, a fleet of 800 ships, 22,000 Japanese lives, and 26,000 US casualties for a small 8 square mile island. But it was very strategic for reaching Tokyo. This was a terrible battle won by the US.

Trivia - the well known photo was of the second flag raising. An officer wanted the first flag as a sovenier.

Trivia 2 - the picture was not "staged" and was taken completely by accident. Rosenthal didnt even know he had taken it when he swung around with his camera.
