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It's setting on jack stands being neglected,
I'm trying to find time to clean the undercarrage.
As the wether gets warmer, I'm sure I'll get motivated.
Bish, yes the snow is still here. 6" yesterday and more possibly today. I want to get the HCS out and ready for some shows but I have to wait for the snow to melt and the gravel to be washed off the roads.
jc68gtcs, see my reply on the general discussion board. I don't want to get in trouble discussing "the dark side" on the GTCS/HCS board, thanks, Mark.
[quote author=hcsstang link=board=1;threadid=1496;start=15#msg9141 date=1112212121]
Mark and Brent rub it in , with the vet and Shelby .good luck
Now Tom,
Tell the truth, what else do you have in your garage? *LOL* ;D
[quote author=bish link=board=1;threadid=1496;start=0#msg8854 date=1111670162]
Your car has a smog set up. Very rare to see that on a car after all this time!
A couple smog setups are for sale on eBay for the 390 and 428 setups.