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Pinewood Derby


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
Senior. In a couple of years they will be adding an Ambassador level.


It has been a long time for me, and things may have changed ...but Senior is isn't an award. It is the name of the age group

Daisy is ages 5-6
Brownie is ages 6-8
Junior is 8-11
Senior is what Girl Scouts ages 11-17 used to be called

It is my understanding that since the early 1980's the Gold award is the highest award a Girl Scout can get, but I could be wrong because the Girl Scouts have undergone a change their organization and awards.

Just a side note:

A Boy Scout who earns Eagle is recognized for the work ethic it took to earn the award, and Eagle opens the door in the work world for young men. However the same is not true for the equivalent in Girl Scouts.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004

It has been a long time for me, and things may have changed ...but Senior is isn't an award. It is the name of the age group

Daisy is ages 5-6
Brownie is ages 6-8
Junior is 8-11
Senior is what Girl Scouts ages 11-17 used to be called

It is my understanding that since the early 1980's the Gold award is the highest award a Girl Scout can get, but I could be wrong because the Girl Scouts have undergone a change their organization and awards.

Just a side note:

A Boy Scout who earns Eagle is recognized for the work ethic it took to earn the award, and Eagle opens the door in the work world for young men. However the same is not true for the equivalent in Girl Scouts.

Oh well, I`m just going to have get that changed.:grin:


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA

It has been a long time for me, and things may have changed ...but Senior is isn't an award. It is the name of the age group

Daisy is ages 5-6
Brownie is ages 6-8
Junior is 8-11
Senior is what Girl Scouts ages 11-17 used to be called

It is my understanding that since the early 1980's the Gold award is the highest award a Girl Scout can get, but I could be wrong because the Girl Scouts have undergone a change their organization and awards.

Just a side note:

A Boy Scout who earns Eagle is recognized for the work ethic it took to earn the award, and Eagle opens the door in the work world for young men. However the same is not true for the equivalent in Girl Scouts.

That tells you how much I know about Boy Scouts. I thought Eagle was a level. I wasn't aware that it was an award. You're right about the Girl Scout levels.