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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
The only music I like to hear is the sound of that 289 hipo!! Sorry, I only have the original AM that never gets turned on.

By the way, what are your thoughts about the Croc Hunter? Is it as big of a deal there as what it is here? It is still on just about every news channel.



Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
gt bandit said:

anyway bought a radio from this Ebay site ?

any recommendation's on replacing the old AM radio for something that works , dont need a CD player just sound radio tunes -

You can get these radios from other sources as well:


You may want to shop around. I think this particular company, Autosound, is located here in So Cal, Anaheim (or Fullerton?) ... there's also another vendor who'll take an original radio and take the "old guts" out and replace them with newer electronics and give you AM/FM (and maybe CD) capabilities ... it all depends what you want ...


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
... another option would be to leave the original radio in place and acquire another modern radio which can be installed in another location (below dash, or glove box, etc.) and maybe operate it via remote control (especially if control knobs are not easily accessible) ...


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
I have a custom autosound am fm cassette radio in my mustang. I bought it about 18 years ago and it still works great. I got it at California Mustang.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
I have a Custom Autosound radio/cassett player in my car...purchased about 8 years ago and it was a good investment. Fits right in the dash, and work just fine. Good luck with yours.

gt bandit

gt bandit

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
Perth , Western Australia
thanks for all the advice -

Crikey will be laid to rest shortly , but he has done a lot for both the Wildlife and our country in general (exposure etc) , even if at times even Aussies thought it was over the top.

he had an enthusiasm for life that i only wish i could wake up with - sad to see someone like that go the way he did -

RIP Steve , crikey mate I am late for work !!!!!!!!

ron normandin

New member
Mar 15, 2006

Hello everyone,
My name is Ron Normandin (47) USAF Ret., my wife is Liz ("still" young!!!), and we are from Vacaville, Ca. We have had our GTCS since 92. It has come a long way since it was in a field for 2 yrs at least before me. It had been last registered in 77 and believe it was in a barn for years. Originally sold in Napa and I believe I am the 3 rd reg. owner. With no engine, no interior, and the matching number automatic trans in the trunk and some rear body damage. The reborn cs is customized nicely. We always seem to get compliments everywhere we go. Originally the body color was a gold with black stripes and a white vinal top. a "J-code" built 13 feb. with ivory gold interior. I belong to the Golden hills mustang club based out of Fairfield / Susuin Ca. The car can be seen at web site : www.goldenhillsmustangclub.com under Ron and Liz Normandin 68 GTCS. It is a 5 year old picture taken at the Andrette winery in Napa, but the only change (major) is it's now powered by a 347 stroker. For the record - J141590 ... with original Ca. plates, blk & yellow.
Our e-mail address is partipom@aol.com (we show pomeranian dogs) We were one of the fortunate ones to have met up in grass valley with the other "all original" GTCS's on 19th of Aug. Well, there was one next to me with a super charger, so I wasn't the only one with ... shall we say extra's. That was a nice get together with good people all around us.
So where is the NEXT get together? Will I have to get a trailer? Well, till next time, bye for now!

ron normandin

New member
Mar 15, 2006
Live free or die, are you in new hamshire? If so I have relitives in Amesbury, Ma., and plan on being back there next summer for my grandmothers 100 th birthday. ... Ron Normandin


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
ron normandin said:
Hello everyone,
My name is Ron Normandin (47) USAF Ret., my wife is Liz ("still" young!!!), and we are from Vacaville, Ca. We have had our GTCS since 92. It has come a long way since it was in a field for 2 yrs at least before me. It had been last registered in 77 and believe it was in a barn for years. Originally sold in Napa and I believe I am the 3 rd reg. owner. With no engine, no interior, and the matching number automatic trans in the trunk and some rear body damage. The reborn cs is customized nicely. We always seem to get compliments everywhere we go. Originally the body color was a gold with black stripes and a white vinal top. a "J-code" built 13 feb. with ivory gold interior. I belong to the Golden hills mustang club based out of Fairfield / Susuin Ca. The car can be seen at web site : www.goldenhillsmustangclub.com under Ron and Liz Normandin 68 GTCS. It is a 5 year old picture taken at the Andrette winery in Napa, but the only change (major) is it's now powered by a 347 stroker. For the record - J141590 ... with original Ca. plates, blk & yellow.
Our e-mail address is partipom@aol.com (we show pomeranian dogs) We were one of the fortunate ones to have met up in grass valley with the other "all original" GTCS's on 19th of Aug. Well, there was one next to me with a super charger, so I wasn't the only one with ... shall we say extra's. That was a nice get together with good people all around us.

So where is the NEXT get together? Will I have to get a trailer? Well, till next time, bye for now!

I loved Ron's car, but I'm kind of fond of performance upgrades. Welcome to the site, Ron. I was the guy next to you with the supercharger.



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Its great to have you here Ron! Welcome to the site. You have a beautiful car.What color is it? In the picture it looks black.
Poms are great dogs! I raise Pom-Chi`s and longcoat Chihuahuas myself.