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Spare tire hold down with slotted wheels revisited


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Some time ago, I posted a plea here to help locate the little round plate that secures the spare tire in the trunk on cars with the optional slotted wheels and on all cars that are real GT Mustangs. That little round plate turned out to be one of the most difficult parts to locate for a 68 Mustang. Thanks to a couple of you here who furnished information and images Scott Turner has made up some of these plates, from Ford blurprints no less. I was lucky enough to get one and you can not tell them from the Ford part! If you have the slotted wheels on your car but it is held in place with the jack handle, this will get you back to the way Ford intended your car to be equipped. One of the most obscure parts for a 68 Mustang is now easy to locate, and I wanted to share the results of the search with all of you who helped research this and who provided information and images. Thanks to Scott for stepping up to the plate and making available an absolute dead on reproduction of this nearly impossible to locate part.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
You should thank Scott. You can contact him at <www.ScottFullerReproductions.com> and check out an image and the details. He did a great job manufacturing a much needed part that has been unavailable for most of the 40 years since it was used.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
Yep, the 1968 Mustang GT wheel (styled steel wheel) hold down plates are finished and ready to go. You can see a picture of them here. www.scottfullerreproductions.com. Thank you murf104 (John) for your technical review of the part, and 6t8-390gt (Danny) for providing an original sample to copy. Without the help of these two I could not have made the plate. Price is a $23 + shipping. Or in California...6-gal of gas.

And thanks again for the help from the GT/CS site members. Because of you, the entire Mustang world will benefit by having these available.


BTW John, I think you made my name a hybrid between me and Charles Turner.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
Here's a picture.



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GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Thanks ...

Thanks for the "heads up" on this item. We just re-installed a set of the factory chrome GT wheels on our car, so I emailed last night to arrange the order of one of these. (I got a full set of five rims and have a spare for the trunk ....) The aftermarket mags and tires that were on the car when I got it were 15" and caused some front fender clearance problems, so going back to the 14" rims and a new set of T/A's seems to have cured that problem.
If I can get the time to put the beauty rings and GT centre caps on the car Sunday afternoon I'll shoot some new photos and post them in the gallery .....


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2004
Central Virginia
Thanks for the plug! I think it is great that you took an this job and brought another fine product to the market. I hope it sells we for you.

I can't wait to get mine, you can rest assured they will be on the cars within 10 minutes of receiving them. The NOS one will now be safely put away.
