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1968 Vinyl top retainer strip


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
We've discussed this issue before, but now I have another question.
My Red GT/CS was factory equipped with a Black vinyl top. It does not have the retainer strip installed (obviously the vinyl top has been replaced in the last 50 years) but there are no holes in the rain gutter that would have accommodated the rivets for the strip.
So perhaps all plants did not install the retainers?
Fortunately, the top is in good shape so I don't have a problem. Just a point of curiosity.



Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Ford also used a different style retainer that went on top of the top and wedged between the rain gutter and roof. It was made of stainless steel and looked very nice.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
As all GT/CS cars were manufactured in San Jose, the different plant thought would be ok for other 1968 Mustangs, but not for a GT/CS. The stainless trim that Marty mentioned was on my car, but it was riveted in 4 places as I remember. Again, your car is an early GT/CS. Maybe some GT/CS vinyl top cars did not get the stainless trim or maybe as Marty thinks they were just "swedged" in? Mine would not stay swedged in and needed the rivets. They were very small rivets of 1/8 diameter.

I know mine were original as the second vinyl top was over them with glue. After removing them I found the original remnants of the original black vinyl top.


Ricky Knapik

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2018
I was thinking the same thing Rob! All made in San Jose. Mine has the 4 rivets.