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1968 Wiring Question


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2013
Hi 'all

I was wondering if you could help me identify the wiring harness shown in the picture. The end with the 2 prongs showing (3 wires in total) plugs into the main harness through the firewall. I don't know exactly where the other wires on the end plugs into -- there's a total 4 connectors on one side. Wire with the heat insulation sleeve is also attached to the wiring (hard to see in the pic).

The wires runs alongside the valve left valve cover and plugs into a what looks like a bunch of sensors. My car is a 68, however I came to find out the 302 in there is a 73 Type F engine.

I looked at the 68 wiring diagram book and can't figure out what it is. Perhaps it is unique to a 73 setup. I have AC and Power Steering -- not that it would matter.

Appreciate any help you could provide.
Thanks. RT


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I think the A/C clutch power wire is the Green wire on the right side of the photo.
