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I need some VIN numbers to run the engine reports with Marti


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
OK, here is the deal. I need CS VIN numbers for the following engine sizes:

got all except

I will be using these VIN numbers to run a report with Kevin Marti to be able determine the amount of CS's that were built with each engine size and what transmission. This information is going to be used for refernce here on the site. I will post it to a thread and probably make up something and put it into my gallery so we can see it and use it at any time. This information will belong to all of us.

If you have one of the engine sizes above please pm me or email me with YOUR cars VIN number.

I will take these VIN's and only use them for this study. There will be printed stats on your car and the 1 of 1 type of thing run on it. I will send you a copy of this report. I won't be sharing any personal data about you (names etc), just the info on your car and how it translates into how many of each engine size was made in CS's.

I will be funding this project with the sale of the 2-3 1988 registries I bought recently. I will start another thread on the registries.

link to 1988 registry auction:
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I hope you won`t be infringing on any copyrights owned by Kevin Marti by copying the reports and distributing them to the owners of the GT/CS`s you use. I`m sure, as long as you are not selling them, it won`t matter. You are paying for them so you should be able to do what you want with them. You should check with a lawyer just in case though. Its always best to be careful when it comes to stuff like this.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
I just emailed you my info. I've always wondered how many CS with my engine/transmission are out there. That's what it will show, right?


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
jbsteven said:
Rhonda. it would be the same if you bought it and shared the info on the forum.

Thats what I thought, but you are actually printing it out. Nevermind, I`m sure you know what you`re doing.:grin: