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Recent content by CougarCJ

  1. CougarCJ

    For Sale 1968 GTCS Red J Code W Auto - Volo Cars

    Nice Car, but it has been modified. I like the mostly tasteful modifications and upgrades. Per the Marti Report, this is not a factory GT. Combination of hang-on and aftermarket air conditioning. Exterior color change, and is not a deluxe interior Mustang.
  2. CougarCJ

    1968 Fun GT/CS Video

    These two young women seemed to have a genuinely good time. Very entertaining.
  3. CougarCJ

    For Sale GTCS for sale in Petaluma CA

    Interesting interpretation of "complete restoration".
  4. CougarCJ

    Another Bad Idea?

    Is that the Soviet version? Not a lotta Lada.
  5. CougarCJ

    For Sale Nice 390 GTCS in Canada

    I'm with Marti, there is a lot going on under the hood.
  6. CougarCJ

    Happy Halloween

    Made me smile. Must have been very satisfying to "blow the cobwebs" out afterwards.
  7. CougarCJ

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    Lots of vintage Ford alternators do not put out much voltage at idle. Ever notice how dim their headlights are while sitting at a stop light?
  8. CougarCJ

    For Sale 1968 - GT/CS Meadowlark Yellow S Code 390 Auto

    That car has the rare Convenience Control Panel option. Only about 1% of 1968 Mustangs got that option. When optioned with A/C, a console was mandatory. Very cool.
  9. CougarCJ

    1967 Mustang Branded

  10. CougarCJ

    1968 Registry Update

    Coberly was in Los Angeles, how many for Mel Burns in Long Beach? that is where mine is from.
  11. CougarCJ

    1968 Shock Tower Holes

    Marcus Anghel has some good suspension documentation here
  12. CougarCJ

    1968 Shock Tower Holes

    If you decide to strip everything down, these weld in plates are a good idea. https://secure.cougarpartscatalog.com/towerbrace.html?sessionthemeid=26 Inspect those shock towers, mine were cracked in a couple of places on both sides.
  13. CougarCJ

    Donna’s Ambulance

    That is awesome, thanks for sharing.
  14. CougarCJ

    For Sale 1968 GTCS Green C Code 289 Auto - Temecula, California

    Was born Lime Green with drum brakes. Color change and disc brake conversion? Not knocking the car, just pointing out observations for potential buyers. I like the overall originality, someone also added a center piece to the grille. Grille appears to have the correct fog light brackets.
  15. CougarCJ

    Another Bad Idea?

    Looks like it, it's a leaf guard on a Camaro.