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Search results

  1. Mustanger

    1968 Hood Stripes...

    I've seen them as body color, but also black ... which one is correct :confused: ...
  2. Mustanger

    1968 Hood Stripes...

    So, what would be correct? No paint at all on the vertical surfaces (under the hood), or a little overspray, or maybe masking it off to the first crease line encountered? ...
  3. Mustanger

    1968 Hood Stripes...

    I'm getting ready to make a move on body & painting, and I'm seriously considering the optional black hood stripes ... I've read some of the previous posts, and apart from a) the dimensions, and b) the turn signal grill is body color, do the stripes extend to under the hood, onto the cowl area...
  4. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." - Mark Twain
  5. Mustanger

    High End Restomod

    Sweet ride, but what happened to the rear quarter reflectors??? ... Forgotten, deleted, or is it a '67??? ...
  6. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "I don't like that man. I must get to know him better." - Abraham Lincoln
  7. Mustanger

    . Lots of Birthdays today

    Happpppy Biiirthday to All!!! Cake for everyone :wink: ...
  8. Mustanger

    1968 Additional Engine Cooling when Adding AC

    ... If I remember correctly, the clutch fan was normal on the '68 Shelbys (by now they were more of a luxury car when compared to the earlier '65 Shelby), and maybe the 5-blade Ford flex fan (which had some problems) was more reserved for the Mustang since it was lower in cost :wink: ... Oh...
  9. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.” - Charles R. Swindoll
  10. Mustanger

    1968 Additional Engine Cooling when Adding AC

    Arlie, I added the Classic A/C system to my car (non-ac car), a 24" 4 row brass radiator w/ shroud, and I added a 6-blade fan that was not the clutch type, it was this type: http://www.mustangsplus.com/xcart/Racing-Fans/ It "looks" factory-like, but w/o the clutch, and is simpler and less...
  11. Mustanger

    . Happy Birthday Retroman99

    Happy Birthday to you!!! And I hope your cake was a good one :thumb: ...
  12. Mustanger

    Merry Christmas....

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night :wink: ...
  13. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway." - John Wayne
  14. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!” - Dr. Seuss
  15. Mustanger

    . Happy Bday JohnnyQuest

    Happy Birthday!!! And put another candle on your birthday cake :wink: ...
  16. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn." - C. S. Lewis
  17. Mustanger

    . Happy Birthday Midnight Special

    Haaaappyyy Birthdaaaayyy!!! - as Frosty would say :wink: ...
  18. Mustanger

    Good news

    Congrats, Neil!!! Kids are great, and enjoying them as a grandparent is a blessing :thumb: ...
  19. Mustanger

    1968 Help with tire size !!

    There's alot of info re the Shelby/Arning drop, and maybe some pro's and con's (potential ball joint wear-and-tear) ... here's 1 good discussion: http://mustangforums.com/forum/classic-mustangs/331376-someone-explain-the-shelby-drop-to-me.html It's also good to think about rebuilding/replacing...
  20. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate.” - Ann Landers