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1968 Additional Engine Cooling when Adding AC


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Yes the 67 AC set up used the clutch fan, in 68 Ford went to the flex fan. There possibly were some early 68s that used the clutch fan. This may have not been true on the Cougar line. Forum member Murf has a very original GT-CS that has the flex fan. He has since added a clutch fan. Marty

... If I remember correctly, the clutch fan was normal on the '68 Shelbys (by now they were more of a luxury car when compared to the earlier '65 Shelby), and maybe the 5-blade Ford flex fan (which had some problems) was more reserved for the Mustang since it was lower in cost :wink: ...

Oh, BTW, here's the Summit link:

http://www.summitracing.com/search/?keyword=1617P flex fan&dds=1

Yep, it's cheaper ...


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
... If I remember correctly, the clutch fan was normal on the '68 Shelbys (by now they were more of a luxury car when compared to the earlier '65 Shelby), and maybe the 5-blade Ford flex fan (which had some problems) was more reserved for the Mustang since it was lower in cost :wink: ...

Oh, BTW, here's the Summit link:

http://www.summitracing.com/search/?keyword=1617P flex fan&dds=1

Yep, it's cheaper ...

Yes you are correct the Shelby did use the clutch fan. Marty