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Search results

  1. Russ

    New Purchase - CJ Mustang

    Last week I was able to purchase a 1973 Mustang 351 CJ convertible from the original owner, Jim Babbitt of Flagstaff. Jim Babbitt also owns the Ford dealership in town, and he stored this Mustang in his dealer warehouse since 1982. The car was special ordered for his daughter as a graduation...
  2. Russ

    help! repair headlight bucket

    Hi Darrell, I found a pair of NOS Ford service replacements at Virginia Mustang. They were pricey, but trying to repair the old ones ws impossible. Russ
  3. Russ

    Dresss Up Kit

    Shelby Dress Up Kit Here are some original valve covers that were available in 1968 from Shelby American and the Ford dealers. While these valve covers are not made any longer, they can be found on ebay once in a while. Hope this helps, Russ
  4. Russ


    I'm suprised the emotion this VIN tag has generated. The number of the car is clearly identified and everyone on this site knows about the tag. If Paul just identifies this car as a "cut up" and destroyed car in his new book, then the problem is solved. If someone tries to rebuild a car with...
  5. Russ

    Front suspension details?

    Mike, All of the marks were found on the car, with the exception of the paint inspector stamps, which were found on my highland green GT/CS. Both the GT and the GT/CS were produced within two weeks (Feb 14 to Feb 28) of one another, so I felt the paint inspector marks were correct. One thing...
  6. Russ

    Front suspension details?

    Hi Mike, I have some photos of the car and its undercarriage in the new gallery under "Highland Green GT/CS- MCA Gold Award". There are more photos of the car that I would be glad to send. From what I have been able to gather, San Jose cars had painted A arms with the outer edge of the arm in...
  7. Russ

    black stripes on the hood of my CS

    Scott, Thanks for the info. I've looked everywhere for a description of the "Sports Trim Group", but cannot find anything about this option. What did you get with this package along with the two tone hood? My lime gold CS is about to get its final coat of paint, and it original hood had some...
  8. Russ

    black stripes on the hood of my CS

    Does anyone know what type of paint is used for the black hood stripes? Is the black paint glossy, satin or flat?? I like the look on the lime gold car with the black GT/CS stripes. Russ
  9. Russ

    Dealer License Plate Frames

    The ones I saw are from "Villa Ford" in Orange, CA and "Magic Ford" in Santa Clarita Valley. They are for sale for $10. Russ
  10. Russ

    Lower Front and Rear Bumpers

    I know that sometime before the end of 1968 Mustang production, Ford decided to remove the small bumpers that were found below the regular bumper. I assume this was a cost cutting measure. The front bumpers were chrome and the rears were painted body color. Does anyone know when these small...
  11. Russ

    Upper Control Arm Shims?

    My lime gold car has natural springs and upper control arms. The plugs are a clear pink/red color, so they are easy for the judges to spot. It seems it was a common practice for garages to "torch" through the shock towers to gain access and lube the upper arms. It was also common for shops...
  12. Russ

    Upper Control Arm Shims?

    Shims were used on the '65-'66 Mustangs, but not on the '67 and '68. There are special zert fittings for the upper control arms that you can order. Originally the upper arms were lubricated and then plugs were installed where you would place a zert fitting. If you are going to show your car...
  13. Russ

    Car cover

    California Car Cover makes a "micro-fiber" car cover that is unbelievable. No dust gets on the car, it is water proof and is very light-weight. It's pricey, but an awsome cover. Hope this helps, Russ
  14. Russ

    Dealer # on Marti Report--Translation?

    One note of interest, if the dealer has changed names, the most current dealer name will appear on the Marti Report. My 1968 GT was sold by Dee Motors of Barstow, CA (dealer 71G416) in 1968, but the Marti Report listed the dealer as Soutar's Ford. Soutar's Ford is in business today in Barstow...
  15. Russ

    Foulger Ford license plate frames

    Just a bit of trivia about Foulger Ford. When our Mustangs were being sold (1968), Foulger Ford was located on Hunnington Drive in Monrovia. In the mid '80's, Foulger moved to Arcadia, right next to the Santa Anita Racetrack, hense the "Arcadia-Monrovia" location on the dealer frame. Foulger...
  16. Russ

    What Do You Do????

    I'm a retired middle school principal (32 years) and retired Army National Guard Colonel (26 years). Retirement allows me to do the things I love (work on my cars, travel and have fun with my grandkids), and I highly recommend it to everyone, especially the grandkids! Russ
  17. Russ

    Value of Your CS/HCS for Insurance Purposes

    I use Hagerty. I just added my '68 Mustang GT and upped the coverage on my CS and Shelby to the Hagerty policy and saved $50 per year over what I was paying to have my GT insured with Allstate. I'm very happy with Allstate, but I don't drive my Mustangs and Model T's enough to justify the...
  18. Russ

    Value of Your CS/HCS for Insurance Purposes

    With the new-found respect for our cars based upon the results of the BJ auction, I'm wondering if anyone has increased their insurance value? I think now is the time to up the valuation of my cars, and I'm wondering if anyone feels the same way. If you did up the value on your car, what did...
  19. Russ

    Use of Additives for Unleaded Gas

    When you rebuild your engine, I would just specify that you want to have hardened valve seats installed. You only need them on the exhaust side, and you will never have to worry about ruining your engine or using any additives. Just my thoughts, Russ
  20. Russ

    Radiator Support Rubber Seal

    Scott, I'll give you a call tonight. The thing that is crazy about this item is that my CS (C Code) and GT (J code) have no evidence of staples in the support and both have the original supports! These cars were built in February when Ford was cutting costs on the cars. The lime gold CS is a...