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Search results

  1. W

    For Sale For sale on Kijiji

    https://www.kijiji.ca/v-classic-cars/edmonton/california-special-collector-car-1968-mustang-gt-cs/1700136587 Car that I noticed for sale. Not my ad
  2. W

    1968 Photo

    Very nice background and car.
  3. W

    2007+ Tilt away steering

    350 dollars man them things are pricey
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    2007+ Tilt away steering

    Update on my issue. Took the vacumn release valve out. That is not a fun job. Tested it on my work bench worked perfect. So I am thinking bad ground. There was no ground wire as such but I thought the mounting screw would be the ground. The screw goes into the steering column through the bracket...
  5. W

    2007+ Tilt away steering

    Good to know, that has very likely never been done. Will do while I am working on the system. Thanks
  6. W

    2007+ Tilt away steering

    Hi guy's I am working on a 1967 mustang and need some information. The car has tilt away steering but it is not working properly. Here is what I have diagnosed so far. 1 I have vacuum as far as the vacuum release valve. 2 I have power to the vacuum release valve when the driver door is open. 3...
  7. W

    ADMIN Forum software upgrade today

    Like the new layout
  8. W

    1968 Few Pictures

    Very nice
  9. W

    1968 Brake Question

    As of yet I have not done anything. I hate to just start changing stuff doing a trial and error. May have to do it that way though. Think I can rule out anything mechanical as far as the brake shoes or anything like that as when the fluid pressure is released the brakes come off. I never did...
  10. W

    1968 Brake Question

    Hi I have been having some issues with the brakes on my car and curious if anyone has had the happen before. Here is the problem. I just finished restoring this car ( 1968 gt/cs) and had all of the brake system apart. Discs on the front drums on the rear. Brakes are set up properly but after...
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    1968 Window Regulators

    I just went and checked again to see what the difference is. On the regulator there is the long solid arm and the two shorter ones that pivot in the center of the long arm. One of these shorter arms one is longer than the other. When put on correctly the long arm is up. When on the wrong side...
  12. W

    1968 Window Regulators

    Well I have the same part number on both sides of the car. lol If a person looks for new regulators they have two different numbers. Not sure what to think.
  13. W

    1968 Window Regulators

    Hi everyone need some info. on window regulators. Ever since I have owned this car the driver side window always seems like it will not roll up all the way comes up about a quarter of a inch short of the top. Today I decided it was time to fix that thinking the stops or something easy like that...
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    1968 Registry Data

    Just a question about the registry. Do you try to update the owners as these cars change hands?
  15. W

    . 2018 50th Anniversary limited edition Window Clinger

    If there happens to be another of these available I could sure use one. If there is a cost accociated I would gladly pay.
  16. W

    1968 CS Èmergency Flasher wiring

    Neil and Marty Well finally got my new turn signal switch and installed it. I now have emergency flashers all the way around. Thanks for passing your knowledge along. Muchly appreciated. Lloyd
  17. W

    1968 CS Èmergency Flasher wiring

    Thanks Neil I will give that a try and hope for the best. I will keep you posted on my progress. Lloyd
  18. W

    1968 CS Èmergency Flasher wiring

    Sorry missed that yesterday the rear lights work for everything except four way flasher. May have to try another led flasher.
  19. W

    1968 CS Èmergency Flasher wiring

    Neil thanks for the reply. Checked the flasher. It does appear to be working. It is one for led ights ( Dennis Anderson) i believe. I put a different flasher in it did nothing. But it was not one for led lights. Can a guy tell if the lights are led by looking at them or the number on them?
  20. W

    For Sale Highland Green GTCS in The Netherlands

    Nice car good options. Console is missing.