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Search results

  1. C

    Rear suspension project

    I may try this approach. I would like to have a little more stance in the back. Did you order the wheels by specifying the model and year or was it a special offset? Mark.
  2. C

    Latest Purchase

    Nice looking car and great color too, congrats, Mark.
  3. C

    Final License Frames - GTCS & HCS

    Casey, I love the HCS frames I received. Payment has been made. Thanks for a great job on this, Mark.
  4. C

    HCS Emissions ?

    My 289 4 speed HCS does not have the smog equipment. The car was originally sold at Courtesy Ford in Denver. Mark.
  5. C

    black stripe kit

    Yes, I am looking for a more subtle look. I think it will look good, but I will have a body shop install them, I don't trust myself with this change. Thanks, I will look up CA Mustang for a source on the stripes. Mark.
  6. C

    black stripe kit

    I am thinking of changing my stripes from white to black this summer and also adding the flat black hood areas. Does anyone have a source for high quality stripe kits? How hard are they to install? I am going to use a hair drier to remove the existing stripes, sound OK? I think the black...
  7. C

    Got in my Elite Marti report on the CS

    On the report it states 4118 Cal Spec's. On mine it states 4117. Did they find one more or is the total an estimate? Just curious, Mark.
  8. C

    What Do You Do????

    General Manager for a manufacturing company building equipment for telecommunications construction. Our external ISO quality auditor left yesterday after a 2 day audit, grrrr. Mark.
  9. C

    1968 1/2 428 fastback

    I was looking for a new toy and came across a 1968-1/2 428 R code at the Volo Auto Museum in Illinois. I think they are asking $53K for this red fastback...FYI. Mark
  10. C

    GT/CS on cover of Mustang Times

    Casey, nice looking cover car! Congratulations, Mark.
  11. C

    GT/CS on cover of Mustang Times

    Bob, I was at Barnes and Noble Booksellars near Southwest Plaza on Monday and they had about 5-7 copies left in the magazine rack section. This is the one at Wadsworth and Bowles. Mark.
  12. C

    GT/CS on eBay up to $30,000

    This appears as a calendar car in February according to the description. Good to see the prices finally getting where we all know they should be. Mark.
  13. C

    CS in Barrett Jackson sold for 49,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, this year Denver is undefeated at home and even in bad years manage to win the majority of home games. They are 14-3 loosing in New York, Miami (first game of the season) and Kansas City (where they never win). Mark.
  14. C

    CS in Barrett Jackson sold for 49,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bronco's all the way on this one!!!! Steelers won't be able to breath in the "High Country" air. Mark.
  15. C

    428 Gt/cs

    I believe that is Bob's car. He had one of his cars at Ford's 100th birthday in Michigan along with Bish who at that time had my car there. They were parked together for awhile. Mark.
  16. C

    2007 Dodge Challenger

    Arlie, today's Denver post has a photo spread. Also go to www.marketwatch.com for some pics. I like the Challenger and the Mustang better, this coming from a Vette guy. Mark
  17. C

    Steering Wheels

    Arlie, try Momo or Nardi for higher quality steering wheels. I looked at the 2 manufacturers you have listed and never liked the quality for my Sting Ray. Momo and Nardi both make high quality wheels that are in the $200-$300 range. I eventually went with a Factory optioned teak wheel for the...
  18. C

    68 HCS Stripes for a Plastic Model

    Good eye Arlie! It looks like the sellar took the pictures of my car off the 1968 Mustang site. They are located under the subtitle "specials" section and were taken when Bish owned the car in Michigan. Bish is thanked and credited for supplying the car photo's for that web site. It is...
  19. C

    Mustangs in the Movies

    Where is "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruises fastback (Shelby?)? How about Bonanza, Little Joe drove a Mustang, oh wait that was a Pinto.
  20. C

    The New Registry Book: Which type of binding?

    I would vote for hardbound and the Perfect as second choice. I really don't care for coil except that it lays flat. Either way I will buy a few copies. Mark