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Search results

  1. C

    Shop compressors?

    Jon, the Da will consume about 17 CFM. What makes the 2-stage better is that it will "pack" more air in the tank because of the higher storage pressure. I think my unit at the plant will store air at a rate of 25 CFM. I have 2 of these units tied together. A 5 HP 2-stage will store air at a...
  2. C

    Shop compressors?

    Jon, I have the 5 HP Speedair version. In my catalog they are on the same page. It also has a 60 galllon vert. tank. It works great for impacts, painting, etc. Because it is a single stage it won't keep up with my DA for very long. I need to give it time to refill the tank. For heavy DA...
  3. C

    GTCS 390 S Code on Ebay

    The owner stated that he was offering it locally for $37,000. The reserve is set at $35,000. He is selling it for a friend who is indifferent as to whether it sells or not. If he can get over $35K he will sell. If not he will keep it. I thought I would go as high as 20K seeing the work that it...
  4. C

    GTCS 390 S Code on Ebay

    I have spoken to the owner and found out that the intake and the carb are aftermarket. The clear coat on the roof is peeling and the interior needs some R&R. The engine has been rebuilt and runs strong. There is no rust. The description leads one to believe that this could be a keeper if it is...
  5. C

    GTCS 390 S Code on Ebay

    I was bidding earlier. I am trying to contact the sellar to see the car this Saturday. I am not sure how high I want to go for an automatic as I prefer 4 speed cars, but it is a 390 in Highland green and close to my house. Mark (formally coloradoHCS, don't know what happened there)
  6. C

    ADMIN - 2006 Calendars now for sale!

    Jon, I received my 5 yesterday. The calendar looks great, thanks for all your hard work on this project! Mark.
  7. C

    wheelhouse mouldings

    I don't think they were standard. I thought they were part of the GT package or possibly an appearance package. Mine has them but I was told they would not have been there from the factory with my trim level, Mark.
  8. C

    66 HCS for sale

    Hey Arlie, how about Nissan's? Can we say anything bad about them??
  9. C

    2005 Registry Update Thread

    Pauk, a CD with 3 new pics sent out yesterday to be included with my file , thanks, Mark.
  10. C

    Opinions on this car.

    Salvage title, stolen some time in the past. I wonder what parts are stock. If a GTCS/HCS was stolen you know they would take all the special parts. Grill and hood not correct for that reason?? By the way klmore, love your car, Mark.
  11. C

    Final License Frames - GTCS & HCS

    Casey, great job!! Count me in for 2 HCS plates, thanks, Mark.
  12. C

    HCS Frame Poll

    I also voted for the bottom "one of..." But truley either one would be fine with me, however I agree with the inclusion on the 66 and 67 cars that the top one affords. Mark.
  13. C

    How Many License Plate Frames

    2 HCS frames here.
  14. C

    January Barrett-Jackson

    There has not been much activity at the 2 major auction houses lately for our cars. At BJ in 2001 a 1968 HCS sold for $6696. No word on condition. In 1998 a 1968 HCS had a high bid of $9000, not sold. In 1999 a 1968 HCS had a high bid of $13,500, not sold. At KI in 1998 a 1968 HCS had a high...
  15. C

    2005 Registry Update Thread

    Paul, I was on the July list of information sent in but not on these latest. Should I resend info? Mark.
  16. C

    black or white stripes?

    Arlie, I think you are corect. I have never seen a Highland green car with white interior and I also have never seen one with black stripes. Mark.
  17. C

    License Plate Frames Poll

    Gary, I agree. I thought of that also. there are only 4 votes for the HCs and while I would buy one or two Casey has to buy 100 frames. Is there a way to combine both frames into one?? Just a thought. Mark.
  18. C

    January Barrett-Jackson

    I have watched these auction results closely over the last few years and have seen California Specials go across the block in the mid teens. The summary gives no detail to the cars condition. I have never seen one of ours on the highlights broadcast on Speed Channel. I have never seen results of...
  19. C

    License Plate Frames Poll

    I wonder how many people know the ad phrase. I wonder if I will be asked "they made WHAT happen?" I voted for "The West Made it Happen" Now after reading the comments and looking at the plates again I would like to change my vote to #4. Can I do that, vote twice that is? I am originally from...