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Search results

  1. M

    Correct Trunk Mat?

    What is the correct trunk mat for an April 04 built CS? I have a carpeted trunk and no clue what the original looked like. Seems there were different style mats used in the 68 model year curious as to which one was used at San Jose during production of the CS cars. Thanks for any information...
  2. M

    Bracket for battery hold down clamp

    On SOME cars there is a little right angle bracket that connects the front apron to the battery hold down clamp. This bracket can be seen on page 143, left side, center columnin the latest NPD catalog. Can anyone explain why only certain cars have this little bracket? Does it have to do with...
  3. M

    Looking for 4300 carb

    Still searching for a 4300 carb, Stamped C8ZF - D. The one on Craigs list in the post above is incorrect for 68 302. Check your boxes of leftover parts, you may have one.
  4. M

    reproeuction rear valance panel

    Can anyone share their experience with a rear valance panel with the dual exhaust cut outs? Do they fit?
  5. M

    Vacuum operated water valve

    Need a vacuum operated water valve for a 302 W/AC. Anyone know of a source or of a rebuilder of these valves?
  6. M

    Looking for 4300 carb

    Yes, you made a wise move when you purchased the 4300 from Pony Carbs. I do not have the proper core at this time, and would like to find one to use as a core if someone has a spare. The core charge isnot terribly expensive, I think that they give $80.00 for a complete core at Pony. Just...
  7. M

    Looking for 4300 carb

    I need a 4300 carb to rebuild for a 302 Automatic Transmission car with a scheduled build date of April 02. Looking for one with all of the parts intact and rebuildable. j.w.murphy@comcast.net or 217 625 7183, will return every call. I have a "motorcraft" on the car now that seems to be a...
  8. M

    Dual vacuum advance on 302 with AC

    I am new poster, but long time lucker. Trying to figure out if a 302 with factory air conditioning did or did not have a a distributor with the dual diaphram vacuum advance unit. Several sources indicate that only the single diaphram unit was used, but looking at some pretty original examples...
  9. M

    Bumper Guards ...

    Bumper guards Can anyone supply a date or a VIN when front and rear bumper guards were no longer used. I have an April 04 build date CS, and no guards are present. Is this correct or have they at some time been removed? Thanks
  10. M

    Front and rear bumpers

    Having lurked here for several years I feel comfortable enough to ask for a hint on new bumpers. Do any of the reproduction bumpers fit correctly? Any particular brand or vendor to stay away from. Looking fot fit and finish and service life of those originally on the car in 68. Thanks for...
  11. M

    Valance Exhaust cutouts??????

    Did the "X" code C/S have dual exhaust with the modesty panel cutouts and the chrome extensions?
  12. M

    Dealer Sales Code identification

    Bruce, what month was your car sold? This discussion is currently going on with another forum and they are trying to figure out the meaning of the letter "c" and if it relates to a certain month.
  13. M

    Dealer Sales Code identification

    Bruce, you mentioned a DSO number? Are there only four numbers in that? Is it on your date plate as well. I am a bit confused about the DSO. Thank you so much for the Dealer Sales Identification number. Trying to make sense of the information needed for a temporary warranty card for a 66...
  14. M

    Dealer Sales Code identification

    Looking for help in obtaining the DEALER SALES CODE for Canoga Park Motors, located at 24520 Roscoe Ave., Canoga Park, CA . I have a car purchased there in Nov. of 65, before any CS cars would have been sold but am trying to cover all bases in this search. ANY information will be appreciated...
  15. M

    CS News Article from 2000

    photo ID I think that is a photo of Joanne and her Joe? (now deceased) at A&A Mustang in Oak ridge Tenn. I have purchased many exhaust sets from them over the years, Joanne still runs the business as far as I know. The yellow mustang on the lift belonged to Joe amd it had a full stainless...
  16. M

    1966 Ford Mustang Convertible Project

    How about some info such as VIN, images, options,color and your contact information? If my offer was as vauge as your info you would not even think about selling the car to me. Help us buy your car!
  17. M

    CS wanted!

    Yes, we met there. You had the nice gold CS.
  18. M

    CS wanted!

    Central Illinois
  19. M

    CS wanted!

    I have posted a couple of times before wanting to purchase a loaded CS. About one month ago someone from area code 314 called my cell phone with information about a vehicle they wanted to sell. I was on the way to Las Vegas at the time and the message was not clear (static) and I could not make...
  20. M

    Want to Buy CS

    Looking for good, complete and prefer highly optioned Califoria Special. If you are considering selling yours, please contact me. Can give your car a good home, i am not a reseller. please Email me at <jjmurphy@insightbb.com> or call my cell at 217 971 7183 and leave a message, I WILL return...