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Search results

  1. M

    Correct PPG Paint for the GT/CS Grill Found

    Is this the correct color for the grille itself, or for the grille mouldings that surround the grille, which are also a dark grey metallic?
  2. M

    GTCS for sale

    I called about this as soon as I returned, they sent photos by email, and almost immediatly sent a follow up saying the car had been sold. It was white, black vinyl top and standard interior, 302 with AC. Say poster at nashville and called as soon as possible - sold quickly. Back to wishing.
  3. M


    Leaving Thursday and taking my 36 year old son for a bodyguard. Will arrive Thursday P. M. ,so if anybody plans to pick a spot to confer it better be posted today or some will be on the road and not see it. Murf
  4. M

    Picked up another Mustang

    Now I like the color. When my post was written the photo in #1 was blank. Supposed to be tounge in cheek but did not read that way. Sorry and in no way meant to say that the color of your vehicle was blah - in fact I like the color very well. Murf
  5. M

    Picked up another Mustang

    The vehicle in photo #1 looks very plain indeed. The color does not move me.
  6. M


    I have been trying to purchase a CS for sometime with no luck - this person wrecks one. What a shame.
  7. M

    Side striping

    Any more thoughts on this? Does this mean that there was no definite process that side stripes colors were applied? There must be some pattern or rule that determines if a light green car gets a white stripe or a black stripe. We need an expert to join this discussion and lay out the facts.
  8. M

    Side striping

    ???How does one tell what color the side stripes should be? The car in question is lime gold (or lime green to some (Ford # 2041-A on Marti report) ). Interior is Ivy Gold Decor Bucket Seat . No mention of stripe color on Marti report so how do you determine what color stripes to put on car...
  9. M

    SOLD Want to purchase

    Time is running out. Reply soon if you are interested in selling your vehicle. Thanks
  10. M

    Highly optioned california specials?

    I know that many of you who lurk here on this forum have verification from Kevin Marti or a cac from Ford. I would be interested as to the DOCUMENTED car with the most equipment as delivered to the dealer (not to the cistomer with a lot of additions to spruce up the bottom line) It is pretty...
  11. M

    Highly optioned california specials?

    Paul, it is funny that you should bring up the subject of the lime green paint. According to figures published by Jim Smart in the book "In Search Of Mustangs", that color was the third most popular color for Mustangs across the board in 68, I was in Veit Nam during the entire year of 68 and...
  12. M

    Highly optioned california specials?

    Paul: What do you think the frequency of the deluxe interior would have been on the CS cars? There was a very definite improvement in the appearance of the pony interior in the 65 - 66 models and it was an easilly noticed and appreciated option - the 68 is not quite such an obious addition...
  13. M

    Highly optioned california specials?

    Does anyone know or care to take an educated guess about the frequency of options sold on the California Specials? What % were actually equipped with the GT option? What % were sold with deluxe interior? Tilt wheel? AM 8 track? Conv. Package. The list goes on and on of course, and then one...
  14. M

    2003 GT/CS Price Guide

    Thank you for sharing this with us. It is great!!!
  15. M

    Value of options

    OK, I will accept your offer. Registration took place as far as I can tell. Thanks for all of your help on this subject. Contacted Winston with a more specific request so please continue to respond to this if you have any input.