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Search results

  1. M

    Wedding Day

    My best to you.
  2. M

    68 GT/CS in So. NH

    Re:68 GT/CS Harvest Gold one for sale! My turn to ask the usual questions. What is data plate info, what are options? Do you have Marti report?
  3. M

    Mystery Part

    Steve: From the photo it appears that have have a carb dashpot. It is only used on cars with automatic transmission, and it is slows down the return of the throttle when it closes. it mounts on the left front corner of carb, and the moveable plunger touches the arm on the throttle shaft and...
  4. M

    GT/CS grille color

    Ditzler brand, #DDL 32930 is the accepted replacement.
  5. M

    68 CS - make me an offer

    You have mail:
  6. M

    1968 High Country Special

    Bish: Had same experience - could not contact you. Please reply with phone # to jjmurphy@insightbb.com
  7. M

    1968 High Country Special

    Bish: Is your car still for sale?
  8. M

    Look this over and comment

    I noticed in the photos that the majority of the interior seems to be white rather than parchment. It did not make sense to me - I questioned the seller and he said he was pretty certain that the interior had never been replaced. Just one of several things I questioned. Will try to get to...
  9. M

    Vintage factory electronic ignition??

    I own a 1966 289 Conv equipped with Thermactor system that was purchased new in California. It too had the gizmo of which you speak. The unit was simply a device that controlled the ammount of vacuum that could reach the vacuum advance unit on the distributor and slowed the rate of vacuum...
  10. M

    Look this over and comment

    THANKS: you have a link to the correct vehicle posted. Lets see what all of the critical eyes can spot or if any one else has inquired about this. I was in hopes that someone had perhaps looked into this previously and knew who built it and where it came from.
  11. M

    Look this over and comment

    I cannot post a link, but google Auto Gallery Museum, than scroll down to the red GTCS. Hope this has not confused you as much as it has me.
  12. M

    Look this over and comment

    That is not the car. Check out this:autogallerymuseum.com
  13. M

    Look this over and comment

    There is a GT/CS listed at" Auto Gallery Museum" that interests me. I do not know how to post a link to this web sight but would appreciate any info or comment any of you have if you can take a look at this vehicle. VIN is 8R01J155984. If any one has any info on this car please share it with...
  14. M

    HC for sale

    OK: I now have the VIN correct. Had a senior moment or something. Now it all makes sense. I somehow looked at the VIN from cars built in New Jersey. Sorry about the mix up. All is well. Murf
  15. M

    HC for sale

    Can anyone make sense of the relationships of date to VIN? Seems like this should have been built in late January or early Feb. Also does this indicate a 3 speed. VIN plate is not readable on my screen - can anyone tell me exactly what the #s are on the plate from the photo? Murf
  16. M

    Graphic Design

    Do you do boards for Mustangs other than CSpec?
  17. M

    Would like advice

    Glen: I work on a contract basis for an appraisal company in Illinois. Should you get to that stage of your purchase email me and I will provide you with a link to the office. I do not do value appraisals on antique autos so this is not a sales call, just a hand if you need someone to check...
  18. M

    GTCS Recognition Guide

    Paul: I do not know anything about publishing, but certainly enjoyed both of your books. I can guess that more cars have surfaced since you published and all of us would be interested in what probably could be called an "addition edition" in which new findings and vehicles since registered...
  19. M

    Wsant to buy

    Still want to buy CS. Looking for highly optoioned rust free that matches Marti report. Last seller changed his mind at the last minute. Let me know what you have. Thanks, John murphy jjmurphy@insightbb.com
  20. M

    Want to buy

    Still searching for GT/CS. Prefer 302, AC. Deluxe Interior, many options, rust free. Will consider vehicles with some, if not all of these options. Let me know by Saturday, May 1. If you are considering selling your CS, or know someone who may be, please respond either here or by private...