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Search results

  1. L

    I am so old now that...

    Doesn't it just kill you?? I'll try on a pair of fasionable jeans and my oldest daughter says with all of her nine years of wisdom,"You can't wear THOSE- you're too old!!!" But it's ok with her I drive the coolest car in town! Sara
  2. L

    New Thought

    Ok, how do you do the highlighting the quote thing??? Sara
  3. L

    New Thought

    [. You win and then the excitement is over. :o ::) ;D Maybe over for you, but not he crowd ;) Sara Oh, cast my vote for Highland Green
  4. L

    2005 Registry Update Thread

    Being a newbie, I don't know what might be invloved in listing everthing, but I think it would be great. Escpecially with the apparent ease of making a clone. Sara
  5. L

    What value would YOU put on this CS?

    My car is as described only not the big block- it's got a 289 AND it's Highland Green ;). It needs paint, but still looks good from a distance. Mechanicaly sound and interior not terrible. We got it for trade last year- my husband did some work that would have cost the guy about $6,000. We think...
  6. L

    Newbie has a question

    Maybe I should be happy my car is unique in that it has nothing ! :-\ I find myself sounding like my parents when we had a '65 Pontiac Tempest with no air- if my kids are in the CS with me an complain about being hot, out comes my mother-"Roll down a window!!!" :D Sara
  7. L

    Missing console??

    Don your car is beautiful. Can't wait until mine looks like that. I'll look into the Hump Hugger. I like that it can be pulled out easily. Here's one on ebay for a manual- Mark you might be interested. Not so great looking but maybe restorable? Sara...
  8. L

    Missing console??

    Thanks everyone. Fact is, I do prefer the look without a console, but I use my car about every day and with 2 kids, I need a place for the "stuff". But honestly, except for keeping the engine and transmission that's been changed, I'll probably restore it to original condition. Just wanted to...
  9. L

    Missing console??

    Hi all, I run into a guy the other day who says his son has as CS. Anyway, he looked my car over and one thing he asked me is if I was replacing the center console. Mine doesn't have one. I looked throught the gallery and it looks as if most have them. Am I refering to the right thing? I am...
  10. L

    Newbie has a question

    Hi all, Maybe I just haven't done enough homework on this one, but I was wanting to know about the big differences in options on our cars. From what I understand, they could be ordered with any option available in 68. Some of your cars have the works- deluxe interior, tilt wheel, power steering...
  11. L

    Where to start

    Thanks all for the responses. A lot was done when I first got the car. It was in storage for years (if you consider a carport storage) and hadn't been driven in years. It was a sad sight with weeds growing up around it. I saw it and convinced my husband to do the work in trade for the car (did...
  12. L

    Where to start

    Hello all. I'm fairly new here but I have been lurking a while and learning so much. So, after taking time off to be with my kids, I am back in the work force and plan on putting the money into my CS. It's in pretty good shape I think, but I'm not expert by any means. Let's just say it looks...
  13. L

    GTCS, true or false

    I just got a similar 'I'm in Europe' response from the guy that had the 67 Shelby posted a few days ago for $8,500. He wants me to send $3,000 then pay the rest on delivery. I told him send it COD and we'll talk. Sara
  14. L

    Why I drive my GT/CS

    I'm new here aroung here and I felt I needed to reply to this post. I get mine out about every day. The best feeling for me is pulling up to a new mustang, usually with a guy driving and he looks over to see a girl driving a cooler car than his! Sara
  15. L

    3 speed or 4??

    Thanks for the reply Rhonda. I love my car too. Even my husband doesn't get it. It started out to be his car- he got it in a trade for some work . But he just didn't give it the time it deserves so it's mne now. He's looking for a project car. I like this one in the original shape it's in which...
  16. L

    3 speed or 4??

    Hi all, I am a proud owner of a Highland Green special. She's in fair shape, a daily driver that gets used more than my SUV! Anyway, I have a question about the Marti report. It shows my car with a 302 and 3 speed manual. It's got a 289 with a 4 speed manual. The previous owner(second he claims)...