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Search results

  1. L

    1968 HCS on EBAY

    I had to tell the guy, I pointed him in the direction of this website so we'll see what happens with the listing.
  2. L

    Shelby clone for $6,200???

    So is this a hoax or to good to be true? (Quick before my husband buys it). We're waiting to hear from the guy. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-6200-1967-MUSTANG-S-CODE4-SPEED-ELEANOR-428-6200-BUY-IT-NOW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4585052868QQrdZ1
  3. L

    CS on ebay

    I looked at it again. He's listed is as a convertible AND a coupe. Red, manual transmission but shows an Aqua auto??? Anyone know the car?
  4. L

    CS on ebay

    Anyone seen this? The guy must have never seen the car to see it's a vinyl hardtop and not convertible. Beeeaaauutiful car! Love the color combination...
  5. L

    Visited my car today

    For those who didn't see my earlier post, my car is in the shop for paint and interior resto. They have most of the chrome off, most they say is in good enough condition to re-chrome. The CS csript he recommends getting new (but keeping original) What do you guys think of the re-chroming or...
  6. L

    2005 Registry Update Thread

    Ok, I don't see my name, do I have time to send again (form and Marti report) Sara
  7. L

    black or white stripes?

    Did someone say Highland Green??? True, mine is black seats/white stripes but wouldn't in look cool with white seats??? I'm having the interior done, I should think about this......... Sara
  8. L

    License Plate Frames - New Thread

    Well said Paul. I've been watching this thread to see where this was going to go. Being a third generation CA native (Bay Area) I can tell you we are not all rude and self-centered. But belive me, they are out there. When I was growing up my town was as you described Dixon. Everyone new each...
  9. L

    Birthday Surprise

    As the big 4-0 looms just a week ahead I've been in a bit of a slump. It just got worse the other day when I opened the garage and my CS was gone. After a frantic call to my husband he told me he took it to be painted as a birthday gift. What a guy, huh? I was floored. Now I can't wait to get...
  10. L

    2006 Calendar - Winners selected

    Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar David, I feel like I have to put my 2 cents in. First of all, you should not be sorry for submitting your picture. At least you got your picture in! How many of us are there on the list and how many pictures are there? This whole thing comes down to preference. Don't...
  11. L


    Gosh I hope soemone didn't PAY for that! Sara
  12. L

    2006 Calendar - Winners selected

    Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar Beautiful bunch of cars- and of course the Highland Green has the most votes so far! Sara
  13. L

    Help! I'm about to give up on a GT/CS!!

    Wendy, you can't give up! We need more women GT/CS owners. I've had mine a little over a year. My husband ran across it in a yard at a house he was doing work at. Did some work in trade for the car! It needs work, but it still turns heads when I drive it. My kids think I'm the coolest mom in...
  14. L

    1 GT/CS for sale - 2 in reserve

    I want the blue one!!
  15. L

    Stolen air filter!

    Thanks for all the info. Some sort of security system will definately be installed when I restore it. It really surprises me too that someone took it. It was the original as far as I know, though. When I take it out for a drive it's just for quick errands and I never leave it for too long. My...
  16. L

    Stolen air filter!

    Hi all. I've been away for a while enjoying what is left of summer break before the kids head back to school. Came home, pulled out the CS for a ride, open the hood to check the oil and lo-and-behold my air filter was missing! I thought maybe my mechanic forgot to put it back on last visit so I...
  17. L

    Plates: Black or Personalized

    I checked out the CA DMV site and tried different plate ideas, like '1of4118'- taken 'special' and different spellings- all taken. Different combos of GT/CS and numbers are available. I've got to rack my brain and think of something good! Sara
  18. L

    Plates: Black or Personalized

    Hoop69, I'm in CA too and I checked with the DMV about putting black plates on (you can get them cheap on ebay). They said you can't do it unless it was the original plates. Then someone metioned reproduction plates. Haven't looked into that. Anyone??? I have the original plate number on old...
  19. L

    For Sale Britney Blue GT/CS

    Cesar, beautiful car! It's actually my dream CS (well, almost, I love a 4 speed). I don't think I'd get enough for mine to buy yours! Sara
  20. L

    Interior products, Who has the best

    I'm getting ready to do interior as well. Any links to these sites or just google? Sorry, I don't know what PUI or NPD or Mr. G's are :-[ Sara