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Search results

  1. Mustanger

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy ThanksGiving!!! ... We definitely have much to be thankful for, and we should always keep our nation and our troops in our prayers ... Enjoy the holiday!!! ... :thumb: ...
  2. Mustanger

    Private Messages

    Jon, I sent a PM to Casey today, and when I returned to this site, I'm now getting a message that my PM box is 100% full with only 23 messages ... can you please help me correct this ... either I'm overlooking something or something else needs fixing ... BTW, I'm trying to get this corrected...
  3. Mustanger

    Summer Gas Prices Could Reach $4

    Gas is finally going for under $2/gal here in SoCal in some select locations :smile: (eg, $1.99 at Diamond Bar Shell, at 57 and 60 junction) ... here's some interesting info: http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20081120/ts_csm/atwobucks
  4. Mustanger

    So Cal Fires

    I'm glad to hear that you guys survived the fires ... we were on the other end of it, about 2 miles away, and we were close to being evacuated. Some of my friends and coworkers were mandatory evacuated, and they made it safely, except for one coworker who made it with his family, but he lost...
  5. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd." - Max Lucado
  6. Mustanger

    1968 Happy birthday broadway blue

    "... you're another year old today ..." ... Happy Birthday!!!
  7. Mustanger

    Happy birthday joedls

    Happy Birthday to a guy who's keeping the tire companys in business :smile: ...
  8. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “Look for opportunity. You can’t wait for it to knock on the door . . . you might not be home.” - Jinger Heath
  9. Mustanger

    To all those that are in the service or have been,this is to you on this Veterans Day

    Here's a good, short article that explains some of the history: http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20081111/sc_livescience/whatistheoriginofveteransday We appreciate and salute all our veterans today, God bless you all ... :flag: ...
  10. Mustanger

    . shelby's black hornet

    CSS = How about Carroll Shelby & Smith (the guy, Barry Smith, responsible for this Shelby tribute car) ??? ... BTW, a note of interest, this Shelby copies the GT/CS with an all black rear panel instead of the argent :wink: ...
  11. Mustanger

    Snow in the Rapid City, S.D.

    Wow, ... I felt like grabbin' a blanket and a warm cup of coffee :wink: ...
  12. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "Worried that their son was too optimistic, the parents of a little boy took him to a psychiatrist. Trying to dampen the boy’s spirits, the psychiatrist showed him into a room piled high with nothing but horse manure. Yet instead of displaying distaste, the little boy clambered to the top of the...
  13. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan
  14. Mustanger

    1968 California "Script" and the first 14 cars

    Here's a pic of Indy investigating the hangar :wink: ...
  15. Mustanger

    Picked up a new toy today

    Hey, you just might be ready for the "Cannonball Run" :wink: ...
  16. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint." - Mark Twain
  17. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "When in doubt, tell the truth." - Mark Twain
  18. Mustanger

    First time owner

    Congrats!!! Wow, now if Joe were to get his '68 on the road again, we could all cruise together in white CSs ... the three amigos :wink: ...
  19. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “There are no easy answers but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.” - Ronald Reagan
  20. Mustanger

    Mustangs at the Queen Mary

    That's awesome!!! The pic's look great, and I'm sure the weather was nice too ... I wasn't able to go to the show this time, but maybe next year things will be easier for me to make it down there ...