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So Cal Fires


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2006
So Cal
I hope all our So Cal members are O.K.! We live only about 3 miles west of the Brea fire - very bad smoke & ash (Saturday the winds were blowing in our direction). We could look down our street and see the plumes of smoke, it was a little scary. We are far enough away I don't think we were ever in any real danger. The picture was taken Sunday morning about 10 am in front of my house. ~Lisa

Saw the story below in the newspaper - this is true dedication!

Cascades resident walks through fire to save his ‘baby’
November 16th, 2008, 3:16 pm by Jeff Collins O.C. Register reporters Jaimee Fletcher, Kimberly Edds and Jeff Collins report from Anaheim Hills:

Mark Boile, 48, snuck into the Cascades Apartments Saturday night to salvage his 1969 Yenko Nova — a special edition Chevy Nova valued at $127,000.

Boile parked more than a mile away from the fire-ravaged complex at Santa Ana Canyon Road and Woodcreek Drive, then set out on foot, taking back roads and horse trails to enter the complex.

He could feel the heat on his face and under his feet as nearby brush ignited. Sometimes his foot prints would burst into flames as he lifted his feet. He made it to his apartment on Timberline Lane, although smoke and ash made it difficult to navigate to his garage.

“I couldn’t see anything,” he said. “There was smoke and flames everywhere. It was crazy.”

He opened his garage, and there she sat — a blue classic with white stripes, unharmed by the fire. Boile drove her out over fire hoses and through the dense air. Then he was stopped.

“What are you doing? You can’t be in here,” a firefighter yelled.

“But then,” Boile said, “he took one look at the car and said, ‘Go, go, hurry.’ ”

Flames licked at the Yenko Nova and rolled across the windshield. Firefighters turned their hoses on the car to help get Boile and his baby to safety.

“I made it out,” he said.


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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
wow, that is dedication... for a car that is pretty much irreplaceable I would do the same.. probably not for my special though lol....but it isnt worth no $127,000 :p


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
Just heard that a friend lost 3 cars 49 Chev Pick-up, older Cad and another car - he had only minutes to get out.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
I hope all our So Cal members are O.K.! We live only about 3 miles west of the Brea fire - very bad smoke & ash (Saturday the winds were blowing in our direction). We could look down our street and see the plumes of smoke, it was a little scary. We are far enough away I don't think we were ever in any real danger. The picture was taken Sunday morning about 10 am in front of my house. ~Lisa

I'm glad to hear that you guys survived the fires ... we were on the other end of it, about 2 miles away, and we were close to being evacuated. Some of my friends and coworkers were mandatory evacuated, and they made it safely, except for one coworker who made it with his family, but he lost his home and 2 dogs ... our workplace is trying to offer him some assistance ...