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Search results

  1. H

    1968 Who else has "dog dish" hub caps on their 1968 Mustang?

    My J code hcs had red painted rims with dog dish hubs.
  2. H

    Merry Christmas. Hope every thing is well with you. I still have my car. The last MCA show that...

    Merry Christmas. Hope every thing is well with you. I still have my car. The last MCA show that I went to they found every thing wrong with my car. Enjoy the little one because you blink an eye and they are grown up. My son keeps me going. He purchased a 07 Shelby and he did a few mod. and he...
  3. H

    1968 S code forum back on line

    This guy in NEW Jersey still has his GTCS S. Talked to him at the Hershey.
  4. H

    1968 S code forum back on line

    I know of a S GTCS for sale in New Jersey. If you are interested email me and I'll pas on the infrmation.
  5. H

    ADMIN 2011 Calendar Photos - Voting starts Sun Oct 3rd

    Mine was taken in the Gettysburg battlefield. The picture was taken in front on the Peace Memorial. I started to use the one in front of the Virgina monument where Pickett's charge started. Maybe next year.
  6. H

    . Aaca

    Any body going to the AACA Hershey show this week end? If you are stop by and say Hi. Come on PHILLIES.
  7. H

    1968 European HCS

    No idea. I think that I have the only one in PA. Been showing mine for ten years and I have only ran across two other ones..
  8. H

    I see that you are from the great state of Pa. maybe we can get you to the Carlisle show.

    I see that you are from the great state of Pa. maybe we can get you to the Carlisle show.
  9. H

    1968 Ashville

    Any body going to the Asheville show? I'm finished with MCA for a while.
  10. H

    . Prepping for VA Beach

    I was putting my car in the trailer for the night and here comes a guy on a motorcycle and he stopped to chat a little and it was 68 sunlitgold. Russ , glad to see you again. Racing fan stopped by for a while. Keith and Vickie had their 68 yellow GTCS and they also judge . .
  11. H

    Hope to see you at Virginia Beach.

    Hope to see you at Virginia Beach.
  12. H

    . Asheville,Virgnia Beach MCA Shows

    I inquired about the HCS's and I think that I'll be the only one attenden the show..
  13. H

    Replacement grill for my 68 GTCS

    For a concour car the rivits should be natural in color not painted the grill color.
  14. H

    1968 tire clearance 225 70 R14

    On my 65 convertible I put P215/60R16 on. If I remember right the rims are from a 03 mustang 6 banger. They are regular Ford products. .
  15. H

    . Virginia Beach

    All of you eastners MCA is having a show at Virginia Beach and I was wondering how many going to attend? Looking forward to see a few of you.
  16. H

    . 2010 Carlisle Pics and Wrap-up

    Tom here .Ditto here. Next time bring some pictures of your car.
  17. H

    1968 HCS or GT/CS

    It should state on the marti report what it is. My report states that has the hcs features .Did CO. sell any cs cars?
  18. H

    1968 Hood to cowl seal

    When you are in this area don't forget about the hood ground which should be natural.
  19. H

    1968 trunk weatherstrip

    For the weatherstrip I think that the open side of the weatherstriping goes toward the inside of the trunk lid.