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Search results

  1. H

    Carlisle Ford Nationals

    I'll see ya at the Carlise show. Broadwayblue will be absent this year.
  2. H

    1968 Your Book is Complete Buy Now!!!

    Which person got the most signatures?
  3. H

    Happy Birthday Rich

    Same here Tom see you at Carlisle
  4. H

    1968 What has been the hardest part to get for your GT/CS ?

    When restorning my car the dashpad was fadded black when it was supposed to be red. I purched a repo one and for the new ones the texture is to rough. So they get me on that feature. They say live and learn.
  5. H

    1968 What has been the hardest part to get for your GT/CS ?

    1968 Carter fuel pump with the button on top.
  6. H

    1968 Interior paint confusion

    If you go to any MCA shows the steering column should be painter in the motor compartment.
  7. H


    GREAT SHOW OVER 450 CARS. AND I FORGOT MY CAMERA. I got to meet three GTCS owners.
  8. H

    Are you going to attend the grand national?

    Are you going to attend the grand national?
  9. H


    Any body going to the MCA Grand National?
  10. H

    1968 Mustangs & Fords in the Park

    I didn't recognize you without the flowere.
  11. H

    1968 Deck lid paint

    That is the same thing with the round antenna. When restoring my car I purchased a round antenna and went to put it on I had to go the a rectangular one. The round one would not cover the hole up. It was never restored before. So at the MCA shows I get knocked every show that is why I don't...
  12. H

    1968 I Did It!! Bought the '68 HCS!!

    Congratulation on getting third place at Carlisle. Keep in touch.
  13. H

    1968 Anyone attending ALL FORD NATIONALS?

    Do you mean the Ford National at Carlisle. If it is they have a special class for cal. sp and hcs cars. Stop by and say hi' I have a story to to you about end caps.
  14. H

    . Your thoughts on the new California Special book/registry

    Still looking for mine. Just got back fron the Carlisle show and ran across Tony Branda and he has them for sale. He had them all wrapped up and I couldn't even look at it.
  15. H

    1968 Closest to NOS muffler?

    Two weeks before the AACA Grand National I went over my car and found my muffler rusted the length of the muffler. I called C J they didn't have one. Somebody referred me to a guy that deals with Shelbys and he had an orginal muffler but it was a 69 I used it any way.
  16. H

    1968 On the Verge of a '68 GT/CS, Might be a HCS

    yep I'm still around. I'm registered for Carlisle show again. Thanks for the complement.
  17. H

    1966-67 HCS battery advise needed

    Antique Auto Battery sells all type of battery. They will ship anywhere. info@antiqueautobattery.com I hope to pick one up at Carlisle.
  18. H

    1968 Tail light bezels: NOS or reproductions?

    I purchased NOS ones and they are showing a little pit marks
  19. H

    . Carlisle

    Thanks, I tried it again and it worked.
  20. H

    . Carlisle

    Jon , I clicked on the information about the Carlisle show and nothing came up on either one.