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Search results

  1. A

    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    Well a couple weeks later I finally have it all hooked up and it worked the first time! I was really worried that it may not work. For some reason a previous owner really ripped up the fog light harness under the dash. I took that plan for the spacer to a local machine shop and they made a set...
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    For Sale 1968 GT/CS C code

    She's a tad high for sure! Must be that Carrol Shelby signature!
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    For Sale Not quite right

    http://www.ebay.com/itm/1968-Mustang-GT-CS-HCS-California-High-Country-Special-Correct-Grill-68-Lucas-/281049355253?hash=item416fd8d3f5&item=281049355253&pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr Pretty sure this one isn't correct! Looks like he is trying to pass off standard fog light...
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    After doing some work on the car over the weekend it looks like the only thing I am missing is the spacer. I have Paul's book but I don't see a clear indication of what size the spacer should be. Any idea how big? I'll probably make my own but need to figure out what size is needed.
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    Do you know anywhere I can find the mounting harware for the marchal lights? I tried searching the forums but can't seem to find a clear answer.
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    Got my 1968 real deal GT/CS grill today! Very exciting. Can't wait to get it installed and put the Marchal lights on!
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    So here's an interesting twist. When I got the car the owner handed me a folder of receipts. In it were some Mustang Shops in the area where the car came from original. I decided to call the one most of the receipts came from back in 1999. They were still in business and I asked the guy if...
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    My brother is a pretty talented fabricator actually. I sent him the pics to see if he could do this or knows somebody that might be able too. Any idea what guage of metal they need to be made from? It would seem the hardest part would be replicating the stamping for the hole in the metal.
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    What is the biggest obstacle you are running into with getting them made? I have a couple metal fabrication connections in the Mid-West that I might be able to approach about getting these made.
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    Thanks for the tip. Who is Neil?
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    Looking for the brackets. Starting to think I will have to wait a while! No responses from anyone that has a set available.
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    For Sale 1968 Ford Mustang HCS (California Special) - $17790 (Langhorne, PA)

    I'm pretty sure this car was for sale in my area a few years back. It sold a few days before I came across the ad for it. Price has jumped a lot!
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    For Sale 1968 Ford Mustang HCS (California Special) - $17790 (Langhorne, PA)

    Nice looking car. http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/cto/3433438135.html
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    Wanted Marchal Fog Light Brackets

    Called Delta Bay today and they are out of stock of the Marchal Fog Light brackets. Whomever was making the brackets for them passed away. They've been trying to get the molds from the gentlemans estate. Tom's trying to get production going again but it sounds like it may be a way off...
  15. A

    07 GT brakes on a 68?

    Cleaning out my garage and started to wonder if anyone has ever used 2005 or newer brake calipers on their 68 GT/CS? I have a four wheel stock disk setup just collecting dust that I took of my 07 when I upgraded the brakes. Could they be used on my GT/CS?
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    Marchal 656 Lights

    Cool, thanks! I ordered the lights from the guy. He took them all apart and took pictures for me. They were stamped April 68 inside, which I like even better! With shipping I got them for under $400. Now I just need a fog light switch! The previous owner said to me they never worked and he...
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    For Sale 1968 Mustang California Special gt/cs - $35000 (Elk Grove)

    Yeah, I really don't care for the Shelby look either. Drives me nuts when people do stuff like that. First thing I would do if I got it would be to rip the whole front end off and put it back to the way it should be!
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    For Sale **1968 mustang CA.Spec. GT/CS - $13900 (bell)

    http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/cto/3460386378.html Nice looking car.
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    For Sale 1968 Mustang California Special gt/cs - $35000 (Elk Grove)

    http://sacramento.craigslist.org/cto/3454178092.html Came accross this one on Craigslist.
  20. A

    Marchal 656 Lights

    Other than repop will there be any issues with wiring?