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Search results

  1. 68HCS289

    1968 I Did It!! Bought the '68 HCS!!

    Thanks everyone!! He was great to communicate with and everything checked out on her so I went for it. He actually had her cleaned and waxed before pick up which I thought was cool and including alot of additional stuff for me that can be moved in the trunk. I am so happy to be back in one...
  2. 68HCS289

    1968 Anyone attending ALL FORD NATIONALS?

    Hoping to have my HCS at the show!!
  3. 68HCS289

    1968 Mustangattitude.com's "Attitude of the week" car

    That is awesome-congrats!!
  4. 68HCS289

    For Sale 1968 HCS T code for sale or trade

    It is beautiful!! GLWS!!
  5. 68HCS289

    1968 Neil's Next One

    So excited for you and I love that color!! Keep us posted. I am anxiously awaiting my baby to come home too:wink:
  6. 68HCS289

    1968 I Did It!! Bought the '68 HCS!!

    Thank you everyone who helped me as I was deciding on whether to go forth with the '68 High Country Special I was looking to purchase from a fellow MCA member. It is official, I bought her!! She is being picked up by the transport today in Illinois and expected to arrive to me in PA on...
  7. 68HCS289

    1968 1968 GT/CS or HCS?

    I love both but the 1968 HCS is so rare and unique to me. I just bought one too!!!
  8. 68HCS289

    1968 On the Verge of a '68 GT/CS, Might be a HCS

    Thanks everyone, this has been alot of help. Looks like everything is legit and I may go ahead and purchase it. I will follow up on what happens.
  9. 68HCS289

    1968 On the Verge of a '68 GT/CS, Might be a HCS

    Great, glad to see you here!! I will be at Carlisle again also.
  10. 68HCS289

    For Sale 1968 HCS T code for sale or trade

    Beautiful!! My old '68 GT/CS was a 6 cyl. GLWS!! If the one doesn't pan out that I am looking at I may be interested if not sold.
  11. 68HCS289

    1968 On the Verge of a '68 GT/CS, Might be a HCS

    I will pm you my email address. Last one I had was too far gone in the frame so this one I am comfortable in restoring and hoping to be an official GT/CS owner again, just a bonus it is an HCS. Is Tom still on this site with the red one? I met him at Carlisle a few years back and he was so...
  12. 68HCS289

    1968 On the Verge of a '68 GT/CS, Might be a HCS

    Yep-that is the one!! I appreciate any info you have. I know the better half talked to him already and he has been nice and I am about 90% sure of going for it. Thanks!!
  13. 68HCS289

    1968 On the Verge of a '68 GT/CS, Might be a HCS

    Hello!! A friend of mine recommended me here to get the opinions of other GT/CS owners:wink: I once owned a highland green GT/CS but she had too much rot for me to properly restore her so I sold her. I have been on a mission for another one, and I found one a few states away that seems to be...