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Search results

  1. Mustanger

    It's Alive!!!!!

    Good job!!! The pic's are great, and it'll be real cool when you get her dialed in ...
  2. Mustanger

    Mustang JR Videos

    Little Red is Found!!! ... ... in this thread I also discovered Little Red: http://www.mustangsplus.com/projects/golfcart/index.html ... (LOL) ...
  3. Mustanger

    Mustang JR Videos

    If you read the responses on this thread: http://forums.vintage-mustang.com/showtopic.php?tid/1443184/tp/0/all/1/ ... you'll see that they go on EBAY from time to time ...
  4. Mustanger

    Mustang JR Videos

    Here's some good stuff: http://www.jrcentral.com/ http://www.jrcentral.com/mustang.html http://www.jrcentral.com/68mustangcaliforniaspecial.html
  5. Mustanger

    Console Question

    I've never dealt with Perogie, but they've been around for a long time and you can usually get some rare or hard-to-get items there ... usually not cheap ...
  6. Mustanger

    my old stang/current project

    Nice ... maybe you should dyno it ...
  7. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it." - Bill Cosby
  8. Mustanger

    Friday Joke

    An Engineer and a Programmer ... A programmer and an engineer are sitting next to each other on a long flight from Los Angeles to New York. The programmer leans over to the engineer and asks if he would like to play a fun game. The engineer just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines...
  9. Mustanger

    GTCS side scoop question ???

    A high quality repro can be found at Rebel Mustang ... check it out: http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2706&highlight=witness+line
  10. Mustanger

    Foxworthy is alright ...

    Here's what Jeff Foxworthy said at the CMT Awards the other night: "I started thinking about why I like country music and doing this show so much, and here's what I came up with, y'all. "I like country music because it's about the things in life that really matter. It ain't about braggin'...
  11. Mustanger

    Dare I ask? Post Photos of ourselves?

    If you can find an old pic, great! If not, new pic's are fine, in fact, it's nice to know what someone looks like today ...
  12. Mustanger

    A few more pics from the Knott's cruise and show

    Great pic's ... I'm hoping that next year, 40th anniversary, will be even better!!! ...
  13. Mustanger

    Fabulous Fords Forever 2007 Pictures

    I saw your CS and I was going to ask you a question, but you were a little busy at the time, so I figured I'll catch you on the way back ... well I came back and you were gone, bummer ... so here's my question: Your oval air cleaner seems to have 2 wingnuts on top, but I was wondering, do you...
  14. Mustanger

    Shelby/American Wheels ...

    Whether your 'Stang is vintage or late model, American Racing has partnered up with Shelby to offer some cool-looking wheels ... check it out: http://www.americanracing.com/carrollshelby/
  15. Mustanger

    Would you like to have your Gt/CS restored to Concourse Trailered condition?

    Congrats, Tim! I hope your new CS is as cool as your other ones, or at least it soon will be, I'm sure of it ...
  16. Mustanger

    Pledge of Alligance

    Amen, God bless America ...
  17. Mustanger

    Build a '68 GT/CS " '07 Shelby chaser"

    You guys ... with all that hp, you should check this out: http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?p=39932#post39932 ... kinda sounds familiar, huh? lol ...
  18. Mustanger

    Who is going to the Knott's Berry Farm Fabulous Ford show

    "... the early bird gets the parking spot ..." Yes, they'll try to direct you to the category which you registered, probably '68 coupe area. Since they're tight on parking, there's no guarantee that a) you'll find a spot next to the other Cal Specials, and b) that they (FFF Show Organizers)...
  19. Mustanger

    Gas Mileage: Who's CS drinks fuel the quickest/slowest?

    If it's a stock 289, a stock C4, 2.79:1 and typical weight, then you may average 15-20 mpg ( http://www.mustangforums.com/m_1619660/mpage_1/tm.htm#1656229 )...
  20. Mustanger

    2 GT/CS's for Sale ...

    Black GT/CS almost ready!!! ... I just received this from my friend who's the owner of these CSs for sale. Regarding the CS in the paint/body shop, he writes,"It just got painted and buffed out. I get it on Tuesday. Had a Carlite windshield put in it. I should have it done in about 3 weeks. If...