Since I can't open "Flash" files, I can't comment on Red Skelton's version. I always loved his show....and laughed and laughed when it was on.
A couple of points. The US added the words "Under God" to the Pledge in the early, "Cold War" 1950's to show Communist Russia that we were not a Godless country.
It's been there ever since.
The people of this country need to sort out and moreso, understand just how and what religion has done TO our country. When our country was founded, English Colonial America was struggling with the fighting between the Quakers and the Puritans. Each side wanted to incorporate their version of Christianity into the (new) Constitution.
Thankfully, level heads prevailed, and there was a defined separation of church and state.
Today, with that long forgotten, it's a battle between the ACLU and the Religious Right--NOT for what is right and fair, but who can get more power out of the politics of it. You see this every day on TV--groups battling over something; most likely not over the subject at hand (reason loses out), but for whom can get the most power out any given situation. Because power equals options for those who have it.
I'd rather think for myself, than to subscribe to any one side. Sometimes it makes me sick to my stomach to think about those today who self-righteously wrap themselves in the flag; the same flag that so many fought and died for in so many wars.
And, despite it all, most Americans don't even know the meaning of the words, or the history of the pledge, anyway.
Just my 2 bits.
Paul N.