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Search results

  1. D

    1968 Power Booster

    I guess before I started this thread I should have asked What are the signs that your booster is starting to go? I have too many opinions up here. My brakes do feel too soft. This I have been told. Yet another person tells me that is not the sign of a failing Booster. It's when you can't...
  2. D

    1968 Brake Booster

    Thank you Duker
  3. D

    1968 Brake Booster

    Hi Shipping charges could be a killer to Canada for me. Would your company sell complete rebuild kit for a Midland, although the 69 Bendex is the better way to go? The almighty dollar and my son starting College always seems to control the situation at hand. Duker
  4. D

    1968 Brake Booster

    Thank you So I don't have to replace with the one I have with a Midland again? Going with Dewey can you forsee any problems with re-install, extra tweeking? I hate changing things from the original parts we all like out and replace. Can I buy a rebuilt Booster off you, so I don't have to...
  5. D

    1968 Brake Booster

    Is there a kit you can buy to rebuild your booster? My booster has a metal band around it you can remove. I don't know if all are the same with power brakes. Thank you Duker
  6. D

    1968 Heater core

    Yes, it is Z shaped and thank you for the picture/part number. Hopefully this is the part the supplier ordered from my discription. Duker
  7. D

    1968 Heater core

    HOLY CRAP!!!!! Sounds like I may have to have a 40 oz of CC after the job is done:smile: I am so gratefull for the help. So we are sure we DO NOT have to drain AC? I don't want to drain the AC.:eek: I can picture from your discriptions, having to make the holes in the insulation LARGER...
  8. D

    1968 Heater core

    Hi My heater core went on me. Now I live where a 1968 Mustang with air would would be an audity to say the least and that is why I am contacting you.:wink: I ordered a new core with a seal kit but none of these guys have actually changed one with air. Are there any surprises or do you have...
  9. D

    68 Tilt Steering

    Thank you all and sorry for the delay replying. Son went off to school.:sad: I agree the 68 steering wheel is hard to look at. The 66, 67 wood wheels are more stylish for that sports car look. Cheers Duker
  10. D

    68 Tilt Steering

    Tom, I wouldn't mind the prices if you can. Someone at the cruise night suggested aftermarket tilt but I have been so anal about keeping things original. I guess the circumstances determine what get's me driving the car in comfort. Thanks guys Duker
  11. D

    68 Tilt Steering

    Because of my back knee and ankle, I seem to be having problems getting out of the car. Anyone know about period correct tilt. My wife is on my case to make things easier on me.:embarass: I even thought a differant steering wheel,smaller may help. Can anyone assist me please Duker
  12. D

    1968 Hood retainers

    Thank you I didn't want to do screws:cry: Have a great day:wink: Duker
  13. D

    1968 Hood retainers

    Hey guys How are your hood retainers washers supposed to be secured to the hood? Mine are glued securely but I see others that have small screws. I have a big show Friday. We took First in class 1960 -1970 last year and second for occational driver in the MCA in Oakville Ontario at the Ford...
  14. D

    1968 Thermactor Air Manifold ????

    Right, a "heat shield" that makes sense now. Sorry about the initial screw up guys. Mosesatm, the repro seem to look a little differant to the original. I still need the "riser" which is a round flex pipe. The picture in the book shows a rectangular riser on a 289 I guess it depends what air...
  15. D

    1968 Thermactor Air Manifold ????

    I misunderstood the book. Sorry about that. If you have the 68 Shop manual SE-735-68 Chapter 8 Fig 2 this part attaches around the Exhaust Manifold on the passenger side of the engine and a pipe goes up to the air cleaner. It is supposed to assist with the choke. Duker
  16. D

    1968 Thermactor Air Manifold ????

    I was at a cruise night on Thursday and someone I know has a 66 Shelby Fastback and he dabbles from time to time finding NOS Parts. I asked him to have a look at my engine and if he saw anything that would remind him of his inventory at home that I maybe interested in having. He had Valve...
  17. D

    1968 Changing oil pan gasket

    Sorry I have been out of town. Thank you everyone. Duker
  18. D

    1968 Changing oil pan gasket

    Wow! Lots of info to take in people...Love it, thanks everyone:smile: I wish we could have a show up here just GT/CS. I have seen one other person with a CS which is used just for quarter mile at the race track I only saw the car and owner once. Unfortunately:sad: People up here can't...
  19. D

    1968 Changing oil pan gasket

    Listen everyone Thank you for the info... Frank and Rob should get together, and Frank hopefully someday you will make it up here.:wink: I knew if I was specific about my problem you are the people to talk to. The motor was rebuilt 18 years ago in Arizona and in that time there has only been...
  20. D

    1968 Changing oil pan gasket

    This is the first Mustang I have ever owned. In fact my first Ford. I have a leak at the very front of the oil pan. It started with my first oil change in May after I took her out of storage for the winter. It was cold up here. The leak wasn't too bad at first but as the hot weather roled...