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Search results

  1. D

    68 "Trunk Lid"

    Thank you for the input. I knew you would set me straight.:grin: To be honest I liked the CS in script on the trunk lid in the picture on e bay. Mine has the Mustang script only. I guess at the end of the day some owners add a piece of themselves to make their car unique but not "out too...
  2. D

    68 "Trunk Lid"

    Hi everyone Question from Canada. I have looked at pictures of the rear of many CS and I have noticed on the trunk lid a couple have nothing. Some had only the Mustang on the passenger side and I just saw one on e bay with the written California Special on the drivers side and the Mustang on...
  3. D

    Fog Light Operation

    No problem and thank you for the info. I will check later today:grin:
  4. D

    Fog Light Operation

    Duker here owner for three weeks now! Good question I haven't tried mine yet but I know up here in Canada if the interior lights come on at the same time it is against the rules of the road to drive with your interior light on while you drive. I will check later, Thanks:smile:
  5. D

    Royal Maroon Canadian GT\CS

    My wife doesn't want to drive the car...I have offered, I think I'm being tested. What do you think:icon_lol: I have the last cruise night on Thursday. I am lost after that. How many of you are members of a local Mustang Car Club? I was asked to join one last week. We would be the first...
  6. D

    Clone? or real GT/CS?

    I would agree that it looks real...But you just never know. Big$$$$$$ lots of hours to fix up.
  7. D

    Should I include GT/CS clones in the Registry?

    With all due respect to the young man that wanted info last week regarding how to make a clone because "He couldn't afford the real thing". We all could have gone out and purchased a 1968 Mustang and attempted to make it a California Special but we didn't. We own a true piece of American...
  8. D

    Royal Maroon Canadian GT\CS

    Duker here Thank you Neil and you many happy days. I am trying to figure out how to put the pictures on the website. My son will have to do it. The undercoating I am talking about is clear and a little sticky> I was told that if the car was to go through car washes, drive in the heavy rain...
  9. D

    How many GT/CS were sold in Canada

    In 68 there were two makes of fog lights. Early in production 68 was Marshal Fog Lights that mounted on the grill unkown if they came with covers. Later Lucas was used with the posts. So if authenticity is on your mind check your production dates but this may not help unless we know when Lucas...
  10. D

    Royal Maroon Canadian GT\CS

    I duplicated my message sorry
  11. D

    Royal Maroon Canadian GT\CS

    Thank you all I am sending my info to Paul today. I am not good at the computer I am fumbling my way through the website. I would like to show you pictures of the car, especially the undercarrage. The car has never seen rain! The factory original undercoating is still there. All the...
  12. D

    How many GT/CS were sold in Canada

    Duker here new owner for a week and loving it. Paul, I will be sending you a copy of my Marti Report tomorrow. It is my understanding that 155 came up to B.C Canada. As far as the fog lights, I am not aware of any laws that would stop fog lights going on the in 1968. I will check.
  13. D

    Royal Maroon Canadian GT\CS

    Duker Hi Happy Hour and Boadway Blue I am the new owner of the Royal Maroon 68 GT/CS in Canada. I turned 50 this year and my wife finally told me "Just do it". I have only seen one GT/CS when I was about 16 and then I saw "Royal Maroon" They say "Life starts at 50". From what I have read...