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Search results

  1. H

    exhaust manifold

    You are right about Eastwood . I used the cast blast paint for the manifold.
  2. H


    Oh sucks it's nothing but a run down 68 HCS car . I can't ever make the calendar pictures. Any was thanks for the compliment.
  3. H


    A local Mustang club had a show in Rocknille Md. on Sun. I ran across 6t8-390gt. He had his 68 black fastback. It's a nice looking GT car . The judging was by MCA rules. He got a Gold award. No Cal. sp were at the show, only one HCS . For the members on the east coast, who's going to Johnson...
  4. H

    Funny street Names

    I'm not going to tell you the names of a couple towns in Lancaster, Pa. I don't know what possed why somebody would name towns like that. Email me and I'll tell you.
  5. H

    Anyone collect and shoot guns?

    Every year Gettysburg has a battle field reenactment. It's the largest event covering the civil war. I try to avoid Gettysburg when they have all the activity. I was out antiquing and talking to the owner of the store. He said one of these days somebody going to get hurt. After I got home and...
  6. H


    I have my insurance with J C Taylor. The amount of coverage can be only at what you have it appraised at. I had it appraised about three years ago. I called the appraiser up about increasing the value and it's got to be appraised again. The appraiser said that he will be at AACA Grand National...
  7. H

    Fab Fords Forever show - PICS!!

    Talk about jet lag, my fanny has been draging all day. I'm glad that I got to put faces on the guys and gals. Thanks for every thing. Sun night I slept a couple of hours worrying about the trip back to the airport. So we got up at three and left. . Paul ,you missed a good show.
  8. H

    2006 Fabulous Fords Forever show - Who's going?

    What is the weather calling for this week? rain suit?
  9. H

    ebay 390 gt/cs has arrived.

    My son purchased a 02 ,390 Rousch sight unseen white with blue stripes. I was suprised at the condition of the car. It didn't have a stone chip on it being white I though that it would. Six speed, three phase.
  10. H

    Car Alarm

    Last year a man was looking for his Shelby that was stolen. At the show he found it but I don't know what happened after that. The man showing the car was from Canada. I would like to know what ever happened to the case.
  11. H

    Removal of Pop Open Gas Cap

    Do they sell the screws that hold the tail light bezel on. It's an odd looking screw.
  12. H

    2006 Fabulous Fords Forever show - Who's going?

    How many Super 8 motels are close by? I staying at one and they said that it's by. First time in the Knott's Farms area
  13. H

    2006 Fabulous Fords Forever show - Who's going?

    Two for hcsstang Thanks
  14. H

    rear quarter window knobs

    Do a little maintance on the tracks. Replace the rollers and a little lubricant will do wonders.
  15. H

    "Camera Case" paint code

    Get the correct # and go to a Auto paint store and they can mix it and put it in a spray can.I did that for the grille paint.
  16. H

    How to -diff between orig and repro bumpers

    If I'm not mistaken the orginal bumpers have a sharper edges. while the repos are more of a smooth or rounder edges.
  17. H

    Seat Belt Color

    I just talked to the orginal owner and he said that they were black.
  18. H

    Seat Belt Color

    Every thing is red in mine even the rear view mirror but the seat belts are black.
  19. H

    2006 Fabulous Fords Forever show - Who's going?

    I just booked a flight for the show Leaving the 5th of April and returning the 10th. Looking forward to put faces with the names.
  20. H

    2006 Fabulous Fords Forever show - Who's going?

    I would settle for a Philadelphia cheese steak with all the trimmings.