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Search results

  1. H

    68 GT/CS Eleanor

    I like to hear when somebody says take it back original. While your at it you might as well paint the oil filter blue. Thats one item that I got deducted on with MCA.
  2. H

    MCA show

    I happen to know a fellow mustanger and is quite knowledable about Mustangs. I ran across the gentleman a week before the show and he knew what I had. In fact he is associated with AACA and MCA. So I didn't have any trouble. A week before the show he pointed a few things that's wrong but I...
  3. H

    MCA show

    ::)I forgot to say I got a GOLD in my class. 8)
  4. H

    MCA show

    I took my HCS to a regional MCA show on Sunday and boy was it cold. The judges took about three quarters of an hour to check it out. They were under it ,in it and over it. I hope that I can get the judging report in a few weeks. I know one think thats wrong, I have the wrong control arms on it...
  5. H


    Re:WANTED: COPY OF THE 1968 1/2 FORD MUSTANG GT/CS CALIFORNIA SPECIAL RECOGNITI I also got one from him but that was last year. For the same price but he said that was his last one. By the was that was the AACA Hershey show. ::)
  6. H

    Chalk another trophy up for a CS!

    I have one question? What color is the control arm upper and lower. I was told thar one end is natural and the rest black.
  7. H


    Before I painted my car, I didn't check my antenna hole so after the paint job I purchased a round one . When I went to install the antenna didn't cover the holes up so I purchased a rectangular one and it worked perfect. The place where I purchased my parts from had a NOS one and it was...
  8. H

    To Shroud or not to Shroud?

    :o My car is a 302 4 barrel. I wanted a three row radiator and all that I had was the two row so I went ahead and converted it to a three row but it's a little wider. I had too leave out the long bolt thats in the middle of the radiator. Maybe I should of gone with the two row and used a shroud...
  9. H

    Fired up my GT/CS

    ::)She is probably leading you on. If she is like mine she said since you spent so much money on the car I want new kitchen cabinets. My sister tried to get me interested in a granite countertop. I put lamite countertop down.
  10. H

    Brought home a trophy with the CS in a show today ***pics added***

    Re:Brought home a trophy with the CS in a show today One thing about peoples choise the more friends you have the more votes you get!!! ???
  11. H

    Grain Basin

    I think that he means wood grain with white guages. Thats the first time that I have heard it call that.
  12. H

    The body work has started

    anxious to see how the works progessive.
  13. H

    Gasoline Backsplash

    :DI went to Lowe's and got a flexible hose and I keep it in the trunk and use that. I know how much gas that it takes and that's it . I keep the hose under the filler board in the trunk. :P
  14. H

    Hood Turn Signal Rubber Grommet

    I got in touch with MCS about the grommets and here is the reply, some people think there was grommets there i have not seen anything to support that so I say no grommets is correct
  15. H

    My new 68 GT/CS

    The other one that I have is a measley 65 con.
  16. H

    My new 68 GT/CS

    Mark and Brent rub it in , with the vet and Shelby .good luck
  17. H

    GTCS for sale

    My son emailed item # 4538238414. Only 11 hours left.
  18. H

    Side Scoop Grill Question?

    Tony Branda carries the screen for the scoops . ::)
  19. H

    302 Oil Filler Cap Wanted - GT/CS

    The oil filler cap is black with dimples on the side( I guess that is what you call it) and out of the top is a gold or bronze elbow that is connected the the air breather. The only one that I could find was a chrome one. I rough it up then painted it black. I got mine on ebay.
  20. H

    '68 Wheels

    I think that I'm right but in order to have the GT on the center piece it had to have a j code or larger motor .