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Search results

  1. 6t8-390gt

    1968 New family project

    Marty, What one piece floor did you use, dynacorn? Were you happy with the fit, install, etc.? Did you compare with the original floor and find any differences or problems. Danny
  2. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Hawaiian GT/CS

    Father's Day will be here soon enough...what else do you get for someone who has everything?! Danny
  3. 6t8-390gt

    1968 1968 GT Equipment Option

    Kerry, That's cool, I think a previous post you or Richard showed a non GT S-code car built in March so I know a few are out there (although I have never personally see one). I would love to narrow the date down closer. Out of curiosity, was there a big delay in the order date, buck date and...
  4. 6t8-390gt

    1968 1968 GT Equipment Option

    Rob, That is interesting! I would like to see the Marti report on that one. I have seen J-code GT's with drum brakes, but never an S-code. Danny
  5. 6t8-390gt

    1968 1968 GT Equipment Option

    I think there is confusion with the S-codes because early in the 1968 production year you could order the S-code 390 without getting the "GT option" and therefore also being able to get the S-code without PDB. Ford sales brochures indicate that during the production year they changed the...
  6. 6t8-390gt

    1968 1968 GT Equipment Option

    Kerry, The s-code GT is a 67, not a 68. Danny
  7. 6t8-390gt

    1968 1968 GT Equipment Option

    Will someone show me a Marti report showing an S-code, GT, WITHOUT Power Disc Brakes? Danny
  8. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Carlisle

    Tom, Your car looked great and you are correct that they had some nice "Special Edition" cars in building "T". I liked the tents that were provided throughout the fairgrounds this year and banners galore. I also found some deals down in the vender area, so it was a great show as far as I was...
  9. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Removing paint from center caps?

    I like Tim's idea too! I have a couple old caps sitting around, I might just try it this weekend for fun! Danny
  10. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Removing paint from center caps?

    IMO, you have a couple of options: 1. You can remove the "GT" letters from the backside of the cap and then use paint striper to remove the paint. Once removed you can spray as noted. 2. I took my caps to a sign shop [one that still uses paint for some signs (pinstriping shop also)] and had...
  11. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Carlisle

    Saturday is the best day if you are looking at all the cars. If you are hunting parts; early bird gets the worm! Friday is also nice, but a lot more cars show up for Saturday. Nearby hotels, there are a lot, but you may have trouble finding one close by at this point. Some people cancel rooms...
  12. 6t8-390gt

    1968 First Mustang!

    Nice car! Welcome to the site. Danny
  13. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Trunk latch adjustment...

    Daniel Carpenter Reproductions, they are located about a mile north of the Charlotte Motor Speedway and will be having tours of their facility during the 50th. I think Daniel stopped selling direct retail and you have to buy their products through one of the many Mustang venders. Years ago he...
  14. 6t8-390gt

    1968 I've lost motivation and selling one of my cars

    I found myself in a similar position a few years ago and a friend gave this advice Tonight go out in the garage and do "something"...just five or ten minutes! Repeat daily for seven days. At the end of the seven days you'll have a rejuvinated feeling. Sounds kinda stupid, but it worked for...
  15. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Gap between console and gear selector indicator plate

    The shift plate was originally screwed to the console in addition to being positioned into the locating holes. It's a PIA and seems like the brackets were discarded the first time the console came out. Send me a PM with your e-mail or phone # and I'll forward you a picture of the brackets. Danny
  16. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Help a sister out please, car fire

    Donna, Sorry to hear (and see) the news of the fire. I recently went through a similar incident with my cousins Mustang. I did my own "estimate" of the parts needing replaced and costs of those parts. The insurance adjuster confirmed the replacement parts, costs and then added the "labor"...
  17. 6t8-390gt

    1968 67 Motor Mounts

    This may help explain some of your question. http://www.428cobrajet.org/id-motor-mount-support-bracket Danny
  18. 6t8-390gt

    1968 License lamp Shield

    Not sure where you purchased your from, but this is supposed to be correct. https://www.musclecarresearch.com/67-68-rear-lamp-shield Danny
  19. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Suspension parts kit or individual pcs?

    I would check everything; with only 44K original miles the parts are likely still good. If you choose to replace I might be interested in your old parts. A lot of the suspension parts are still available from MOOG or TRW. Both were OEM to Ford, you most likely can get them from your local...
  20. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Mystery Wire

    Neil, I want to say the current ignition switch is a "universal" switch and the extra wire is for the T-bird, Cougar or some other make of Ford vehicle. On the Mustang it is just as you described an "extra" wire. You might want to google it to be certain, but I remember reading something to...