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Search results

  1. 6t8-390gt

    . Photo Your Winter Fun

    The GT badges are incorrectly mounted and it has the early optional rocker stripes in lieu of the C-stripes. Danny
  2. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Seat Belt anchor bolts

    If you look on the head of the bolt they are marked with letters. The "E" bolts hold the front lap / shoulder belts with the latch. The lap belt goes on closest to the carpet with a spacer between and then shoulder belt. The bolt that holds the front seat retractor is marked with a "C." The...
  3. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Parchment color

    This page lists the Light Parchment Poly for the majority (if not all) the interior appointments. It also lists a Medium Parchment Poly (flat), but does not state Dark Parchment anywhere. I hope this helps! http://www.tcpglobal.com/aclchip.aspx?image=1968-Ford-pg02.jpg Danny
  4. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Blue floor console colors

    I just restored one for a club member, my research indicated all light blue. Danny
  5. 6t8-390gt

    1968 C code water pump

    The C8OE-D seems to be the most common in 68. There is also a C8OE-J, C8OE-A and possibly one other. The 68 small block water pumps do not have a date code on them. I have a rebuilt C8OE-D I'm willing to part with if Marty doesn't have one. Danny
  6. 6t8-390gt

    1966-67 HCS LED replacement for 1157 bulb

    I don't have LED's in my car, but if I am not mistaken it's plug and play. Even the complete replacement with multiple board type LED's are plug and play. Danny
  7. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Swapping a C code to dual exhaust

    The exhaust manifold on the C-Code (289) and J-Code (302) are the same; so the H pipe is all that is needed. At the rear of the car you would have to use turn downs unless your were planning on changing the rear valance for the quad tips. Danny
  8. 6t8-390gt

    1968 AC bracket help

    Check out this thread; if you don't have the book I would highly recommend it! http://californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6625 Danny
  9. 6t8-390gt

    1968 AC Water Pump Pulley

    That's what my reference lists. I thought I had one, but I was mistaken. Danny
  10. 6t8-390gt

    . Photo Your Winter Fun

    Marty, The hardest part for you will be resisting the urge to "clean" something up! I remember a few years ago I bought a car to be a driver. My uncle stopped by while I was doing a brake job and then started encouraging me to remove the disc brake dust shield and blast and refinish it. It...
  11. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Harmonic Balancer Color/finish

    I think the MCA is expecting SGB; just don't think the "rules" have been updated. SGB looks good and protects better than natural. I would paint it! Danny
  12. 6t8-390gt

    1968 302 4V Driveshaft

    Should be the 2 pc. tube. Danny
  13. 6t8-390gt

    1968 White hood stripes?

    Only s/g black were available from the factory; but I think it would look good. Personally, if I were to do it (in white) I would do it like the factory. From the turn signals back to the cowl. I don't like LeMans stripes on anything but an early Shelby. Danny
  14. 6t8-390gt

    Wanted 68 390 GT air cleaner: Trade or buy

    What is the DSO of your 390 car? 390 cars shipped to Canada did not get the smog stuff and used the 67 style air cleaner. Danny
  15. 6t8-390gt

    1968 J-Code GT/CS Restoration Thread

    Looking good! Master Cylinder and cap should be painted semi-gloss black to be factory correct; but you can leave it if you choose. You've done a lot of nice detailing for a car you plan to drive! Keep up the work! I would also suggest getting some undercoating/ sealer on the firewall before...
  16. 6t8-390gt

    Wanted Need smog parts

    If small block 289 or 302? They also had differences! Danny
  17. 6t8-390gt

    1968 GT VS A Non GT California special.

    Kerry, That is the latest non-GT S-code I have seen. I am not arguing that non GT S-codes exist; just that at "some point" in production Ford required the GT option to coincide with the S-code. I was obviously intended to happen some time between January and April 1968. Did that car have the...
  18. 6t8-390gt

    1968 GT VS A Non GT California special.

    I just looked over the 9 pages of Marti Reports posted on this site; every S-Code GT/CS has the GT equipment group! Danny