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Search results

  1. HappyHour

    . added a stang (or 2)

    They got kits to convert a coupe? WOW! Can you say convert a 68 coupe to make a 68 CS convertible??
  2. HappyHour

    Selling My 1968 GT/CS

    Hey Scott what was final price for the J code if you dont mind telling us.
  3. HappyHour

    . Satan is a cool girl

    "purpose built". Very nice Fastback. :wink:
  4. HappyHour

    1968 Bay Area GT/CS Owners

    Well gee lemme know where you will be later and Ill pull the CS out and do a driveby. Im in Hayes Valley near the Opera, Ballet plaza. :wink: How long you here?
  5. HappyHour

    1968 Bay Area GT/CS Owners

    Cant you run the license or VIN with DMV? They did it in Gone in 60 seconds to find "Eleanor". :wink: http://licenseplatehunter.com/searching_vin.php http://www.ehow.com/how_4898360_owner-using-license-plate-number.html
  6. HappyHour

    . Port Angeles show was great

    Amy not sure anyone could beat you with the "hard luck" story! Is that a normal category? Also how are the late models judged? I never been so wondering what you do to prep one of the newer cars? Congratulations "mechanical" thats alot of hard work! Was thrown off my your shelby avatar...
  7. HappyHour

    1968 Bay Area GT/CS Owners

    Hey RC...lemme know what you are thinking. Monterey would be approx 120 miles south of SF so not sure its technically the Bay Area anymore (just below Santa Cruz). : ) There maybe some members that would be closer if the owner doesnt mind us taking pictures of the CS.
  8. HappyHour

    1968 Grass Valley Car Show

    What no video this year?? Renee didnt passout? :wink: Pics of all the Mustangs representin look great. That show is so relaxed and seem more and more people are just enjoying all aspects of the cars represented. What a crowd. Was the purple RS Charger there this year? That was a fav of mine...
  9. HappyHour

    1968 Getting Closer

    That would be a sight in the rear view mirror!! :icon_evil
  10. HappyHour

    1968 Australian mustang nationals

    Well after a couple of Fosters you probably wouldnt want to get behind the wheel anyways. :wink: Of course the funny part is you would end up in the drivers seat when your just trying to get to the passenger side!! LOL!!
  11. HappyHour

    1968 Smashed Special

    That one baddass looking CS that looks like it got in a fight. Im sure in a couple of years you will be telling the story, showing pics saying... "Yeah but you should see what I did to the bridge, mate!". Good to see it coming along Scott! Noticed your of those horse\corral in the grill type...
  12. HappyHour

    Lookin for spare tire

    Hi anyone have a 235/60/14 BFG or equiv lying around? Need a spare for the CS, used is fine else Ill have to check my local tire shops. Thanks!
  13. HappyHour

    . My 351 dip

    But I had thought it wasnt the size of your dipstick that counts?? :lipsseal:
  14. HappyHour

    1968 Smashed Special

    Sorry to hear Scott...the forum always appreciates pics to celebrate the highs and also to provide sympathy and healing for those mishaps. Im hoping noone was injured!! Anycase I can dig up some lenses and\or housings your way if needed. They may be rough will take a look but lets just say I...
  15. HappyHour

    1968 GT/CS J-code 4 speed (Project)

    Hey classics...what was the story regarding the front stock 68 grill with round fog lights if you dont mind me asking?
  16. HappyHour

    . Seattle GT/CS family welcomes PMN to the Northwest!

    :thumb: "68 special" did you add the black tach on your hood (didnt see it in your avatar)? and "traveledgtcs" you got the stock tach (you can make it out in one of the pics)? Very cool...would have loved to see more angles. :thumb:
  17. HappyHour

    68 Mustang Stuff

    PM sent....
  18. HappyHour

    . Nascar in vegas

    For those going to Vegas...here are some shots from quick roadtrip we did to Fontana to inspire. Go Jimmie!! :grin:
  19. HappyHour


    Hey Gary I think inspection via pictures would be hard for the forum help you on. We usually like to point out if everything anything looks suspicions or if something looks off or ways someone cut corners. So our previous recommendation would be to inspect this car (possible with someone who...
  20. HappyHour


    Hey Gary I think you need to do due diligence by getting a "Mart" report for this vehicle (like the X code has) this will tell you what came with the car from factory and what was added. A 289 doesnt command additional money but this a very clean car and offered being offer by a car dealer they...